Pavlo Klimkin and Witold Waszczykowski (photo – EPA)
Polish diplomatic missions will be to protect Ukrainian National guard under. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of Poland Witold Waszczykowski after meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart
Pavlo Klimkin in Brussels, reports
According to the Polish Minister, Polish defense institutions in Ukraine still was too weak. “Now there is a statement that objects will be protected by members of the National guard”, – he said.
Waszczykowski said that during the conversation with Klimkin discussed not only how to prevent attacks on diplomatic missions, but also places of national memory. “We have such historical places in Ukraine. We talked about the cooperation of the security services, the monitoring of these places. That’s the bigger problem that we must solve,” – said the Minister.
According to the head of the Polish foreign Ministry, Klimkin told him that the circle of suspects on the case about attack on the Consulate of Poland in Lutsk grenade narrows.
The night of 29 March, unknown
fired at the top floor of the building of the Consulate General of Poland in Lutsk. on the same day the SBU
stopped attempt of informational provocations near the city, which was to begin immediately after the night attack of the Consulate of Poland in Lutsk. The media
reportedthat unknown posters in Polish blocked the road Lviv – Rava-Ruska near the village of Ridge. In a provocative protest actions aimed ostensibly at protecting the Polish minority in Ukraine, as it turned out, attended only by Ukrainians. In the SBU
called the customer provocation “known agent of influence of Russian intelligence services”, the leader of the “Emery” Nicholas Dulsky.
The leader of the ruling Polish party law and justice
Jaroslaw Kaczynski saidthat, most likely, the anti-Polish actions in Ukraine is Russia.