In the Czech Republic is judged Belarusian for terrorist activities in the Donbas
KIEV. July 28. UNN. City court of Prague the case of a citizen of Belarus, who is accused of active participation in the fighting in the East of Ukraine on the party of fighters that qualify as “terrorist attack”. It is reported by UNN citing “Radio Liberty”.
“41-year-old Alexey Fadeev, who has lived in Prague and that, if convicted, face imprisonment for a term of 12 to 20 years, denies any guilt and States that wanted to help people “to defend themselves from the Ukrainian fascists”, – stated in the message.
It is noted that the man already is in prison, convicted in another criminal case. The current hearings on the merits to begin July 29.
As claimed by the prosecution, Fadeev took part in the war against Ukraine “with the intention to actively support separatist groups in Eastern Ukraine, seeking to separate from Ukraine and create an independent state formation, the so-called “Donetsk national Republic”.
According to prosecutors, Fadeev repeatedly, from November 2014 to may 2016, traveled from Czech Republic to perform diverse military tasks in the ranks of the so-called “Republican guard DNR”. But he was not only patrolling, but also took an active part in the fighting against the Ukrainian troops defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
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Fadeev through an interpreter said in response that his stay in the Donbass, in Donetsk, was not a terrorist act, because he was there to help people, because, according to him, the power in Ukraine was seized by “fascists”, and he saw the Internet video, which allegedly was committed “atrocities” that occurred in Ukraine. So he went to the occupied part of Donbass in the Russian Rostov-on-don, where he received weapons and then joined the “Republican guard DNR”.
He also mentioned the Ukrainian organization “Right sector”, which, according to him, the attack on the civilian population. But Fadeyev claimed that it was not going to fight with Ukrainian government forces and only participated in the patrols and only shot at the range in training. He also stated that he did not know that the activities of the group “DNR” contradicts the Constitution of Ukraine.
In addition, Alexey Fadeev said that he knew a Czech citizen, former military Esto Eric, who too had been accused of terrorism for his participation in the fighting against Ukraine in Donbass, but in the end was sentenced conditionally for service in the “foreign armed forces” and deprived of the Czech military rank. According to Fadeev, Estou helped him to get to Ukraine and then met with him in Donetsk.
The Czech Republic is not the first such case. In addition Estu, a former member of the Armed forces of the Czech Republic, also received a suspended sentence for participation in the hybrid actions of the Russian forces in the Donbas against Ukraine, such a punishment was received by a citizen of the Czech Republic Pavel Kafka. The Czech Republic investigates the participation of 20 of its citizens in the conflict in the Donbass on the side of the Russian hybrid forces.
Under the Criminal code of the Czech Republic, “a terrorist attack” is a crime committed against the Czech Republic or international organizations – but the Czech law provides protection from terrorist activities and others.
We will remind that earlier a three-year conditional sentence, suspended for five years imposed by the court in české budějovice Pavel Kafka, for his part in the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine.
As previously reported UNN, Prosecutor of Prague Marek Bodlak announced the indictment of the citizen of the Czech Republic and the citizen of Belarus, permanently residing in the Czech Republic, according to article 311 of the Criminal code “terrorist act” for participation in combat actions against Ukraine in the Donbas.