Kremlin blogger Anatoly Shary on the broadcast from his apartment lit portrait of the Soviet leaders, on the conscience which millions of Ukrainians perished. Portrait of the Soviet idols Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin hangs at the Sharia in the apartment on the wall in the place of honor.
A shot of one of the broadcasts of the blog Sharia: a portrait of the Soviet leader was spotted Ukrainian journalist Sergei Ivanov, as he wrote in his Telegram channel.
Ivanov made a screenshot and showed users photos of the original portrait of Lenin and Stalin, criticizing Sharia, which long conflict.
“If someone still doesn’t understand why Shary – ***. Hang a picture with two executioners and the organizers of the genocide of their own people can only be present ***”, – the journalist wrote, commenting on the portrait on the wall of the Kremlin blogger.
Note that Lenin and Stalin, according to historians, responsible for the deaths of a large number of Ukrainians, who forcibly became part of the Soviet Union in the early twentieth century.
The Holodomor in Ukraine, carried out by Stalin’s regime, resulted in millions of victims.
Modern historians believe that Joseph Stalin and his associates deliberately created the conditions for mass starvation in Ukraine, at the same time brutally persecuting and destroying the nationalist-minded intellectuals and politicians, who dreamt of independence of Ukraine.
As we reported earlier, Anatoly Shary has responded to the investigation of journalists “Classtwo.Nfo” real estate in Spain: the infamous blogger says that it’s not only his estate.
At the same time, Shary threatened President Vladimir Zelensky to investigate its biological material that is in the toilet collected sent to them to follow the President in the Odessa restaurant.
Mark Voroshilov