The former President “Spartaka” Andrey Chervichenko has shared his opinion about the current head coach of the team of Domenico Tedesco.
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“The composition of “Spartak” should not be lower than the third-fourth lines. It is visible, what be the team sets. High-speed football, fast transition from defence to attack. The Germans need to calm to work next season, and all of his work. I like him better than Carrera and Kononov. But emotions have to repay, in some episodes clearly over the top. For example, when it begins to poison the judges, and then on the team played. Although in the last game in Kazan “Spartak” two penalties struck! So, apparently, your whining got all that just want to help. You know, when a child yells, hurry him something to shut his mouth” — quoted Chervichenko “championship”.
Domenico Tedesco headed “Spartak” October 2019. The team finished the championship in seventh place, failing to get into European competitions.
Earlier Valery Gazzayev has expressed the opinion that “Spartacus” is to invite Oleg Romantseva.