The study, conducted by Professor Emily Shepard from Swansea University (UK) and Dr. Sergio lambertucci from the National University of Comahue (Argentina), it was found that the heaviest bird in the world – the Andean Condor (it can weigh up to 15 kg) – able to fly in hovering flight without flapping wings, more than 160 km.

Each species of bird has its own unique flight technique. One can continuously flap their wings with great frequency, others dive, and the third circling, performing complex maneuvers in the pursuit of insects.

No less interesting of a soaring bird. In particular, albatrosses during migration, due to the unique technology of flight, able to travel thousands of miles. They become predators – eagles and hawks soaring high in the sky and looking out for their prey.

To learn the techniques of flight of the Andean Condor, the researchers used high-tech “side” recorders, fixing the frequency of the flapping wings and spreads by bird in search of food (condors feed on carrion). Scientists have discovered that 75% of strokes have on the rise. Once in the air, the Condor finds him ascending thermal currents that help to float at a certain height is extremely long.

Source — Swansea University