The people’s Deputy “opsi” Oleg Voloshin had a fight with a journalist of “24 channel” after he poured green paint the day before. The journalist came to Voloshin with microphone and asked him a question about where he plans to relax this summer.

Apparently, the girl openly trolls the Pro-Russian deputies. Voloshin could not hide his irritation and thought the question a joke, replying: “you in the country”.

After that, between the journalist and the Deputy got into a conflict: Voloshin called the question about the rest, “deb***ing” and advised the journalist to join the party Poroshenko.

However, the girl was not taken aback and offered Voloshin not to go to Parliament and defend Pro-Ukrainian position, which, in her opinion, Voloshin not.

“For me, millions of people voted!” – the Deputy answered the journalist.

“And I had poured green paint” – with a smile replied the girl.

Earlier Voloshin has become the party fights. In addition, he said that at the Donbass Russia is not at war with Ukraine. According to him, fighting against Mat “citizens with Ukrainian passports, of which there are most”.

Mark Voroshilov