On the streets of the mask is already possible not to wear.

In Ukraine in recent weeks a significant increase in new infections COVID-19. Despite this, many people in our country already do not adhere to quarantine measures, not wearing masks and do not use antiseptics for the hands.

The chief sanitary doctor of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko explained that now is not the time when you need to refuse to wear a mask.

He told about it in the “Right to Vlad”.

According to him, while walking on the street not to wear. But as soon as you went to the store or any other public place, respiratory system need to be closed using a protective mask, because the person may himself not know that he was infected with coronavirus.

In addition, the government intends to increase the penalties for non-mask mode. It is planned to tighten administrative responsibility for not wearing the masks indoors and public transport.

We will remind, journalists in Vinnytsia went to the intensive care unit of the hospital where you save people with severe diseases caused by coronavirus. It is noted that some of the people out there, dying.

Read also: Andriy Sadovy said that the head of the Lviv military hospital Ivan Hyde died of complications from COVID-19. On the death of Gayda became known on 18 June. Hyde was not only a doctor of the highest category, but a Colonel of medical service.

Alena Doroshenko