The family of the arrested inhabitant of the Crimea Oleg Prikhodko refused to date
Oleg Prikhodko
KIEV. June 7. UNN. The family of the arrested Pro-Ukrainian activists from the Crimea Oleg Prikhodko refused to date with him “indefinitely”. About it his daughter Natalia Prikhodko said public Association “Crimean solidarity”, reports UNN.
“I received a message that I refuse to date a father because of the epidemiological situation indefinitely. We have not seen his father for many months, the last time even in the winter. The meetings are held without us, because we can’t travel to Rostov-na-Donu, nor be present at these meetings via video conference from the Crimean garrison military court. I don’t know, how will develop the situation and how we’d be able to see him,” — said Natalia.
The lawyer Nazim Shahmammadov representing the interests of the Ukrainian activist in court, believes that the quarantine measures in the Russian penitentiary institutions are selective and formal. As a consequence, sees them as inappropriate and I’m sure that the decision of the Federal service of execution of punishments should be reviewed.
“Prisoners are isolated from family, but not isolated from other people. Our clients in the service transport brought to trial. During the meeting they are in contact with police officers, officers of the court. Naturally, at observance of certain measures — gloves, masks, antiseptic. Allow lawyers to date, again subject to certain measures. In this regard, I do not understand why such category of persons as close relatives, deprived of the opportunity to see a family member? People are willing to use all necessary personal protective equipment, if I can get permission to date,” commented the defender of Oleg Prikhodko.
March 18, 2020 in the colonies and investigative isolators (SIZO) was a ban on visits by relatives. Federal service of execution of punishments (FSIN) has adopted such measures to prevent the spread of these institutions of coronavirus.
28 may 2020 in the southern district military court in Rostov-on-don has begun consideration of the merits of the criminal case against Oleg Prikhodko. Lawyer Sergei Legostaev who participated in the meeting via video conferencing from the Crimean garrison court, said that his daughter Natalia Prikhodko was not allowed into the courtroom.
Ukrainian activist is accused under the following articles of the criminal code: article 30, part 1 and part 1 of article 205 (“Preparation for committing a terrorist act”), part 1 of article 222 (“Acquisition and storage of explosives”) and part 1 of article 223.1 (“Manufacture of explosives”).
At the beginning of April 2020 Oleg Prikhodko was transferred from the detention center of Simferopol in fku SIZO-1 of Rostov-on-don, where and contains at the present time.