The terms of a new IMF program lending in Ukraine is “the question of surrender.” This was stated by the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from party “Oppositional platform For life” Vadim Rabinovich. However, Ukraine is not just “going to the IMF” and likely now will do the same, not taking into account the needs of their citizens, and acting to their detriment, experts say. The analysts emphasize that the Foundation is “one of the tools of influence” of the West.
- Passers-by in Kiev
- © Sergei SUPINSKY
The requirements of the IMF in the framework of the new program on crediting of Ukraine, outlined in the draft Memorandum, is “the question of surrender” when the country “won the war and the occupiers dictate the most terrible conditions.” About it on air of TV channel “112” said the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from party “Oppositional platform For life” Vadim Rabinovich.
Thus, according to him, the Ukrainian authorities the main thing — not to develop the economy of the country, and to get the money to close a “huge hole” in the budget, because of other ways to do it, they don’t know.
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“People who are not able to control, became the head of the state, and today they are instructed in the most difficult time to manage the economy. Therefore, the IMF invites us to close school. I have a cognitive dissonance — where the school is, and where the IMF. Why the IMF, sitting in Washington, attended to in order to Ukraine was closed schools, — the Deputy was indignant. We now have built the economy, perfect for slave of Rome. That is, the whole country works for the interest that we must pay the IMF.”
Rabinovich also wondered why Ukrainian authorities do not see that talking “with open enemies”?
“When you international monetary organization says — take, destroy his own medicine — you are talking with enemy” — the politician said.
He also noted that the desire of Kiev to get the money from the IMF due to corruption.
“Now they (the Ukrainian authorities. — RT) is small (of the money. — RT), theft reaches such proportions that it must be even more,” said Rabinovich.
On the inadmissibility of certain conditions new IMF program set out in the Memorandum with Ukraine, said on June 3 and the head of the “servant of the people” in the Verkhovna Rada David Arakhamiya.
“There is a new cooperation program with the IMF, where there is a draft Memorandum which many of the things described so that, most likely, I think, will not be perceived neither the Ukrainian society nor the Parliament”, — Arakhamiya considers.
- Meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
- RIA Novosti
The next requirements
We will remind, on may 20, the Ukrainian government approved a draft Memorandum with the IMF, the signing of which is planned after the conclusion of a new loan agreement with the Fund for stand-by program totaling $5 billion.
The text of the Memorandum was not made public officially, but it was spread by the Ukrainian media. In addition, the document published by the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Dubinsky.
In the draft Memorandum States that Ukraine will continue the pension reform started in 2017 and involve the introduction of a minimum insurance period required for retirement. Such a measure, Ukrainian experts called “a hidden increase in the retirement age.” In addition, the document States that the Ukrainian authorities will not introduce changes that will reduce the actual retirement age, to introduce new benefits and special pensions.
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We will remind, today, if, upon reaching 60 years a citizen of Ukraine has 25 years of official work experience, he will be able to retire in only 63 years. If the person does not have 15 years of service, the pension he will be forced to wait until age 65. In addition, the bar is the minimum of insurance needed for retirement needs by 2028 to be 35 years.
Contains the text of the Memorandum and the information about the extension of healthcare reform, which began under Peter Poroshenko who at that time was the post of acting Minister of health Ulyana Suprun. From April 1, 2020, entered into force the so-called second stage of medical reform, implying a fundamental change in the financing schemes for hospitals. In this may 4, the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky in his video message to the citizens, was forced to admit that the result of such reforms can be fired about 50 thousand physicians and closed 332 hospitals throughout Ukraine. About 1 thousand hospitals will receive much less funding compared to last year.
“Under the threat turned out to be emergency care, General hospital, the cancer center, the veterans hospitals, the majority of children’s hospitals, psychiatric and TB services. All of this raises a number of questions. Why, instead of saving other people’s lives, physicians are forced to think about their own survival?” — it is not clear who asked the questions Zelensky.
In the Memorandum with the IMF also stated the obligation of Ukraine to reform the education system. The changes involve the so-called optimization of the school network, as previously was stated by the Minister of education and science Anna Novosad. We are talking about the closure of the schools, including in rural areas. The reform also involves the transfer of all remaining Russian schools in the Ukrainian language for teaching from September 2020.
In addition, according to the Memorandum, since July 1, gas prices will need to be based on market conditions without a ceiling on the maximum value, and from October 1, the market should be heating tariffs. In addition, it is assumed that the tax policy of the country will be tougher, and the powers of the National anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine on the investigation expands.
- © Karen BLEIER
“At the IMF”
As noted in an interview with RT, the Director of the Institute for peace initiatives and conflict Denis Denisov, “the content of the Memorandum between Ukraine and the IMF suggests that the Fund brings not only economic but also political demands.” However, according to Denisova, the international organization did before.
About this trend is said at the end of March and the head of the political Council of the Ukrainian party “the Opposition platform For life” Viktor Medvedchuk. He stressed that “the international monetary Fund provides direct external control of Ukraine his usual cynical methods.”
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“The IMF is an open blackmail, forcing the government to agree to his demands… In a situation of global crisis, the IMF once again has demonstrated its willingness to use its “partner” for their own purposes” — quoted Medvedchuk website of his party.
Later, on 1 may, the politician said that the continuation of cooperation with the IMF is fraught with the deterioration of the already difficult economic situation in Ukraine.
“We are on the path that it (the country. — RT) is falling apart… And if we don’t take the mind, if we do not deal with issues related to the economy, if we continue to pander to Western foundations and international corporations, the IMF and the world Bank in issues of economic development, it will fail completely” — quoted Medvedchuk, the press service of the party “Opposition platform For life”.
However, Vladimir Zelensky has no plans to abandon the financial support of the International monetary Fund.
“Can a person live without water for a week? Why? With the IMF the situation is the same. Why do we take such a risk? Why do we need to bring the situation to default? Why do we need all these tests? They are so many… And what if we do have such support? It is important for us”, — said Vladimir Zelensky in the air of TV program “Freedom of speech”.
As noted by Denis, the Ukrainian authorities are unable to offer an alternative program for the development of the country, so “forced to accept the terms of the creditors”.
“This has happened many times, when Kiev went to the IMF turning a blind eye to the needs of its own people. It is a common practice for Ukraine”, — said Denisov.
According to him, cooperation with Kiev, the IMF “causes enormous damage to the state as a whole.”
“The Fund’s programs traditionally have a negative impact on ordinary people as inherently antisocial,” — said the expert.
- Reuters
- © Gleb Garanich
The same position stands and leading researcher, IMEMO ran, Mikhail Krivoguz. As he stated in comments to RT, despite the fact that the Ukrainian authorities have promised economic development of the state, in fact they are “pinning their hopes only on cooperation with the IMF and other Western creditors.”
“And this was when Ukraine’s economy was hit by the pandemic coronavirus. The government program has more declarative character, and does not imply any specific steps. Instead of development of the Ukrainian economy Kiev holds the possibility of the release of IMF loans. So ready to do everything to get them to comply with any requirements,” the analyst said.
Krivoguz also predicts that Ukraine will eventually “accept all the terms of the Fund under a new loan program.”
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“At the same time for ordinary citizens the situation does not improve, as the IMF requires a reduction of allocations for social sphere or their so-called optimization. However, what to optimize, it is not clear, because the economy of the country and other areas are in complete collapse,” — said the expert.
In turn, Denis Denisov drew attention to the fact that, in addition to the harmful effects of cooperation between Ukraine and IMF, the economy suffers and the other, “more global costs”. According to the analyst, “the systematic policy of the Fund is to limit the sovereignty of separate States”, and Ukraine in particular.
“The IMF is one of the instruments of influence mainly Western countries and the United States. For anybody not a secret that almost all agreements between the Fund and Ukraine contained a number of requirements of a political nature, which do not have and are not related to the economic and financial spheres. Similarly, the West is implementing in countries such as Ukraine, its control mechanisms and innovations that make these States more dependent on foreign players”, — concluded the expert.