After three months of work in low power cinema is gradually returning to normal operation. However, at the end of the pandemic coronavirus industry will never be the same: filmmakers at least have to reconsider the relation to safety. It is expected that the set will introduce increased medical supervision, and post-production may partially go to the remote format. The changes will also affect the field of hire: cinemas will be obliged to reduce the number of sessions and provide a safe distance between spectators.
- © Gabriel BOUYS
Introduced because of the pandemic coronavirus restrictions are gradually removed: the country’s open borders, cease to operate bans on public events. Concessions apply and the film industry, which for more than three months as they could survive in the new environment (so, to avoid downtime, the filmmakers focused on remote jobs and began to develop the format screenlife).
Shooting (in)security
A massive return to the most exciting in the context of the pandemic part of filmmaking — the shooting — is expected at the earliest in July-August 2020. According to experts, areas of special projects will open much later.
However, experts are already making predictions about the new reality of filmmaking. At specialized sites popping up all the materials on the prospects of the return of Hollywood to the normal functioning. And experts emphasize that the industry will never be the same.
With high probability after pandemic studios will try to protect themselves from claims of a legal nature. It is possible that the risk of Contracting coronavirus will be spelled out in the contracts of artists and staff, so employers are not be responsible for infected employees.
More attention will be paid to the security of the key figures in the area of implementing Central roles and Directors. The rest of the staff (especially technical), to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to a minimum, will have to communicate with them in masks and gloves.
Due to more intensive use of computer graphics will be able to reduce the presence of extras on the set. There is another, more radical option: to remove the main cast and the extras separately and combining them at installation. In any case, it is obvious that grounds the principle will disappear “extra” people.
- © @bekmambetovtimur
The duration of the shifts is likely to increase which will require additional time to conduct rapid tests and temperature measurement.
It is not excluded that the company will cancel the General breaks for lunch and will supply employees with food in a separate bowl. According to some industry precautions will be so serious that the builders on the site will provide personal toolboxes, and most doors will replace the wing — so no one touched the handle.
A new profession
The Deadline staff questioned the filmmakers for features resume filmmaking. All the parties have announced plans to hire more than a dozen specialists who will be responsible for on-site safety.
Now the industry will need qualified medical personnel. In particular, will increase sharply the demand for workers who would be engaged in the temperature measurement, the testing for coronavirus and disinfection.
Tom Davis is the business Manager of International Alliance of theatrical stage employees art (IATSE), which includes including the staff of the emergency, said that in his organization there are 260 doctors, including specialists in emergency, paramedics and nurses.
Davis also stressed that at the moment preparing a special program dedicated to working in pandemic conditions COVID-19. In his opinion, the presence of the medical team for the production will allow not only to respond quickly to potential health hazards, but also to reduce the anxiety of the members of the crews.
Work in a remote format
Experience which employees of the Studio received during a pandemic, it may be useful even after the lifting of restrictions. This is the opinion of some interlocutors of the newspaper the Los Angeles Times.
“90% of meetings you can hold to Zoom, and the remaining 10% no need to do”, — said the Director Kay cannon.
These 90% can be attributed to listening. In March, the Union SAG-AFTRA and the American society for casting (CSA) recommended that the audition online.
Producer will packer said that thanks to new technologies of communication in a professional environment in the conditions of self-isolation only became more intense. According to packer, the restrictive measures helped to understand the benefits of using all available technical means and this understanding will be useful in the future.
- RIA Novosti
- © Michael Golenkov
His opinion is shared by special effects artist Doug Larmour. In an interview with Euronews he said that because of the pandemic, experts have the opportunity to do the post-production of the house: previously the studios were afraid to provide the materials to work remotely for reasons of confidentiality. It is not excluded that the current practice will continue.
However, the first time the specialists in this field may face a shortage of work. A pandemic has broken the balance between the various stages of production: because the shooting has stopped, for the installation of a long time will receive materials for further processing.
However, due to the suspension of the shooting process yet do not rush to start production of a new tape, the agents can afford to consider more projects.
Limitations also affected the work of the writers that despite the fact that their activity does not always imply the presence in the offices or on the set, now ScanRouter concerned about the unstable situation on the market. However, for them there is good news: soon there will be demand for stories that reflect rethought during a pandemic values.
According to filmmaker Kurt Sutter mention about the pandemic will be included in many new movies.
Because of the forced limitations can arise new problems of ethical nature. Given that in real life people should not gather in large companies (and sometimes even relatives), filmmakers have to understand how it is relevant to show a noisy feast in the movie.
Features rental
Cinema — high concentrations of people, and they will also need additional security measures. To those primarily include social distancing and increase pauses between sessions.
Recommendations for the Russian cinema, prepared by Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of culture, provide for the Seating of spectators with a distance of one meter and the wearing of masks and gloves for employees of the grounds (visitors are also advised to be masked).
The interval between sessions should last at least 30 minutes — during which time rooms must be clean and ventilated. In addition, the audience should arrive early: this will help to avoid the queues.
Tickets it is recommended to purchase a contactless manner, and the food (e.g., popcorn) — in vending machines.
In an interview with TASS the head of the Association of owners of cinemas Oleg Berezin noted that the agencies recommendations are quite reasonable. “All of this executable requirements, which, of course, will entail additional costs, but where they are now there”, — quotes its words Agency.
You can also expect the wave of popularity of the chocolates, where viewers can watch movies of personal cars. Such a platform will appear and in Russia.