Last year, the Russian software Corporation Cognitive Technologies has installed its systems on combine harvesters of the largest Russian Agroholding “Rusagro”. It was a great experience, and now this technology will be already equipped with the 242 of the combine, which will take part in the harvesting of grain in the Belgorod, Tambov, Kursk and Orel oblasts and Primorsky Krai.
The Autonomous driving system uses a 3-level live broadcast with one camera, which is processed using neural network that enables the harvester to maneuver in the fields of several types.
According to available information, the cognitive setting Agro is able to work in all weather conditions and in any light without using GPS. If the harvester for some reason leave the programmed route, the system will alert the remote operator to carry out the necessary adjustments.
And yet most of the time the operator will observe the operations of the processor in real time, and, in particular, to control threshing, cleaning grain and the angle of inclination of the harvester.
In Cognitive Technologies believe that the system is level 3 required to be installed on other agricultural machinery, for example tractors and sprayers that will reduce the cost of grain production by 3-5% and reduce losses during harvest.
Source — Cognitive Technologies