Russian propaganda channel “Russia 24” has produced 8 minute video about the return of Mikhail Saakashvili in Ukrainian politics. Presenter Dmitry Kiselev was so fascinated by the biography “, the Georgian reformer”, even said as a politician “defecate and wash themselves” hotel in Kyiv during the “confrontation” with the team of Petro Poroshenko.
Advocate, with his characteristic intonation during the reading of the text declares that Zelensky “all dumbfounded” by the decision to invite Saakashvili to the Ukrainian government for the post of Deputy Prime Minister, who will oversee reforms and negotiations with the IMF.
“But why Zelensky? For a start will be spoiled Ukraine’s relations with Georgia, Russia… the return of Saakashvili is not exactly warm. If the plans of the incumbent President of Ukraine still consists of contacts with Moscow, the presence of Saakashvili in his government not the most favorable factor, – said the advocate. – Failing theme for Zelensky. Not yet appointed Saakashvili, and has once again lost”.
It is worth noting that in Ukraine in the candidate Saakashvili also are ambiguous. So, colleagues Zelensky do not support this appointment, fearing an escalation of the conflict in the country, as well as problems in relations with Tbilisi, which closely monitors the actions of the Bank and at any time can respond to unpleasant decisions for him. Ex-Deputy Anna Herman said that Saakashvili can “replay” the Zelensky, the President allegedly understands the danger of this act.
At the same time the “reformers” are already showing a reluctance to communicate with the old elites and the openly expressed hostility to Vladimir Boyko.
Recently appeared information about possible return policy in Ukraine as the head of Odessa.