Belarus was one of the few countries that decided not to go into quarantine in pandemic COVID-19, and to move it, as they say, “on your feet”. In March, President Alexander Lukashenko called coronavirus “mass psychosis”, which is not going to leave the Belarusians home. He openly said that the country’s economy will not cope with the threat. Even the United States suffer the test, and Minsk and did not find the money to pay off the consequences of the pandemic.

“What are we going to eat?” – answered the President on all charges of excessive scepticism, recommending in order to prevent COVID-19 give up bad food and habits.

However, on 23 April, Lukashenka’s rhetoric has changed markedly: “They we recommend to introduce measures including a curfew, I stress again: it is necessary – introduce! Isolate cities, towns and villages! But today this problem faces the country? No. Therefore, we do not dismiss the recommendations, but we have, in our experience, act accordingly”.

Lukashenka has criticized the European countries in excessive criticism: they themselves are now faced with saving their economies, although recently criticized him for his “courage” in relation to coronavirus.

Meanwhile, the Belarusian media reports that the 25 April, in the country assigned to the cleanup, which was ordered out of the medical staff. “But then Lukashenko will again blame that poterjalis themselves to blame”, – write in social networks users.

We will remind, according to the latest data, in Belarus, more than 8 thousand people infected with the coronavirus, 60 people died.