No matter how convenient modern mobile phones, many users still remains a desire to gain the coveted room with an old-fashioned telephone dial.

Engineer at Brookhaven national laboratory (one of 16 laboratories U.S. Department of energy, located in Upton, a new York state – approx. ed. Justine Haupt disk has developed mobile phone, which you can collect yourself with a set of very ordinary parts.

The phone is a special motherboard ATmega2560v, cell equipment Adafruit Fona 3G and the rotary dial of the phone Western Electric Trimline. All this is housed in a custom case made by 3D printing.

Despite such “ancient” means dialing, the gadget has a flexible 2,1-inch electronic display that displays missed calls and other important messages, and shortcut buttons let you quickly dial the desired contact.

The user can also assess the battery level and signal level with a few LEDs. According to Justine Haupt, their offspring she uses as a primary phone.

Source — Justine Haupt