Are the winners of the national program “person of the YEAR 2019” in the nomination “journalist of the year”.

Vadim GERASIMOV, host of the YouTube channel “Politeka.Online”

The most significant achievements in Your professional activities in 2019: Beyond 2019 I have recorded more than 700 interviews. Among the guests of esters “Politeka Online” was:

The first President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk, head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Razumkov D., Head of the Verkhovna Rada (1994-1998, 2006-2007) Oleksandr Moroz, Prime Minister of Ukraine (1997-1999) V. Pustovoitenko, Prime Minister of Ukraine (2005-2006) Yuri Yekhanurov, Minister of economy of Ukraine (1992). V. Lanovoy, the Minister of foreign Affairs (2007-2009) V. Ogryzko, Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia in Ukraine (2009 and 2013. ) G. Katamadze, the press attache of the Embassy of Georgia in Ukraine (2005-2010.) B. Korchilava, Deputy Chairman (1991-1992) A. Savchenko, the Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine (2015-2016.) D. Sakvarelidze, the Deputy Minister of economy (2008-2010) M. Pozhivanov, the people’s Deputy Sergei Taruta, the Minister of justice of Ukraine (2013-2014.) E. Lucas, MP I. Vereschuk, MP A. Dubinsky, and many others.

Journalists and presenters: Natalia vlashchenko, Julia Litvinenko, Andrei Palchevsky, Mr Gordon, Dmitry Spivak, Ales Batsman, Timur Miroshnichenko, Artem Francs, Igor Kondratyuk; singer, honoured artist of Ukraine A. Prikhodko.

In Kyiv national University graduated from graduate school and 3 June 2019 defended his thesis with political science. Interview with Andrey Palchevskiy made the “trending” Youtube and as of 01.01.2020 gained 1 million 395 thousand hits.

On “Politeka.Online” in the live broadcasts held telethons on the day of I that the SECOND round of the presidential election.

In August, 2019 “Politeka Online” received the silver button Youtube award for 100 thousand subscribers.

As of 01.01.2020 the number of subscribers reached 198 thousand

Your life motto: If not me, then who?

Who did You dream to become in childhood? The President Of Ukraine.

Do You have a dream that is not yet fulfilled? If Yes, what kind? Read the answer to the previous question 😉

To be successful today is… Do anything that brings you pleasure and makes you happy.

Your favourite saying? Without the kernel of a nut is nothing like the man without a heart (Skovoroda).

Who do You think is the most outstanding journalist in history? Broadcaster David frost, who has interviewed US President Richard Nixon, in which he admitted to being guilty in the Watergate scandal and publicly apologized to the Americans for mistakes.

Rate the level of freedom of speech in Ukraine on a 10-point scale. If you assess the freedom of speech on the example of “Politeka.Online”, then 12 points.

How often do You watch TV at home? Listening more often than watching.

If happiness is not in money, then what? The main character of the story by Sholom Aleichem “Tevye the milkman” said, “Money – I say – round: today so, tomorrow that, anyhow, life went on. Most importantly, it is hope.” In my opinion, happiness is to live, never losing hope.

Keep the phrase “Give me a fulcrum and I…” I don’t want to give her, she and so I have, my support is my family.

Whom in this life You jealous? Their parents. Im me fun and interesting.

What trait is Your biggest flaw? A lot I think)

What dish is able to cheer You up? The Caesar salad and mussels in tomato sauce.

Do You have a favorite book? Barack Obama “the Audacity of hope. Thoughts on restoring the American dream”.

Who of historical figures You could be friends with if I were his contemporary? Gregory Scored. Winston Churchill. John Paul II.

What wonder of the world You would like to move to your hometown? That it symbolized? Don’t want to reschedule. I want to be in Kiev was their wonder of the world.

If You have discovered a new planet, how would You call it? I have nothing against the discovery of new planets, but I would like to see on the Planet Earth were not wars that cause suffering and death.

Imagine that You came to visit the US President with a request to show Ukraine. Where would You invite him to the tour? Since Donald trump is a fan of Frank Sinatra, I would suggest to Mr. President to visit the show “Frank Sinatra” in the Kiev national operetta theatre.

What do You consider your greatest achievement in life, and what is the biggest mistake? I hope that my greatest achievement is yet to come, and mistakes encourage me not to stop.

What is the lesson for You is the best rest? A good night’s sleep or playing football with friends.

Oksana GUTZEIT, host of the program “Fakty” on ICTV channel

The most significant achievements in Your professional activities in 2019:

Fortunately, my work is connected with all the important for humanity events. And, just because I talk about these events to the audience, I have a sense of immediate presence to them.

I was one of the leading during the marathon presidential and parliamentary elections in the country. It was during my live broadcast we did a live broadcast from Constantinople, where the UOC received Tomos. On the day of delivery of the Final programme I was crying together with all the audience during the live broadcast, seeing as in their native land back our boys: the sailors, who were captured in the Kerch Strait, Sentsov, Kolchenko and the other prisoners of the Kremlin. And all this passes through my heart, brain, soul. In this, all these developments I consider most important in the life of our country, and in my life!

Your life motto: My motto I made for myself back in my childhood. Perhaps it will seem to you childish and funny, but it’s the words of the famous song of Leopold the Cat from the same cartoon.

“Don’t ever lose, don’t lose your dreams.

Firmly believe, firmly know everything you can.

If it turns out all naperekos,

Don’t despair and hang in there.

In the most difficult case tail hold tube-

And then get it of course.”

Who did You dream to become in childhood? I 5 years was engaged in artistic gymnastics. And gymnastics is a daily workout for 3-4 hours. In this, all my childhood dreams was sports. Main – Olympic gold in gymnastics. Unfortunately, perhaps due to laziness or lack of talent for the Olympics I never even made. But!!! Dreams must come true! And…an Olympic medal, Championship, I have! Home! Because my husband is an Olympic champion. Dream, dreams always come true!

Do You have a dream that is not yet fulfilled? The dream is always there. Without a dream man does not live. We always have something to strive for. Be inspired and motivated. If turned one, comes the following. But to tell you that it will not. Dreams have to be “quiet”. In heart, in soul.

Saying the word SUCCESS, what sense You put in it? Success for me is the harmony of who I am; the implementation of their plans, capabilities, desires. Success is to do what you love and make the world around you the best!

Your favourite saying? I admire people who were able to make themselves, their name themselves, without the help of other people. And the one who inspires all the time to work on yourself is an American entrepreneur, investor, writer Robert Kiyosaki. The man who once lost everything, but managed to get up and get back to the top. Here are his words, which command respect and a desire to achieve more! “Poor, loser, unhappy and unhealthy is the one who often uses the word “tomorrow”.

Who do You think is the most outstanding journalist in history? Women are not always easy to overcome gender inequality and to become popular and prominent in his profession. And if now this matter pay sufficient attention, when a woman was always a step lower than the male, with most such skills. My admiration for Barbara Walters – American journalist, writer and television presenter. She was the first woman who has achieved success as a television presenter. His artistic career Barbara started in the 1950-ies. And the last interview conducted in 2015! With Donald Trump!

Rate the level of freedom of speech in Ukraine on a 10-point scale: In today’s world we have access to social networks, any of inform-agencies of the world to the sites of the management structures – so if you want you can easily get reliable and quality information. Read reliable sources, collate information, analyze and you will always know the truth.

How often do You watch TV at home? Rarely and only news. Although, having kids, cartoons can not do.

If happiness is not in money, then what? For me happiness is in the details. And the money is needed in order to make these things possible.

Keep the phrase “Give me a fulcrum and I…” My “fulcrum” is my family. So to paraphrase: leave me a place to stand as long as possible. On my long, healthy and happy life!

Whom in this life You jealous? Just imagine!

What trait is Your biggest flaw? Kindness!

What dish is able to cheer You up? Hash. Olivier. Stuffed peppers. I love to eat and eat a lot. Consider a delicious meal – one of pleasures in life.

Do You have a favorite book? I love “the Forsyte Saga” by John Galsworthy. Re-reading it many times. And always find the book new, hidden details. By the way, I loved this novel thanks to my mom. She is also “Saga” considers it his favorite book.

Who of historical figures You could be friends with if I were his contemporary? Think Audrey Hepburn. I’m drawn to her elegance, honesty in his eyes and a desire to help. As she aptly said:
“To live is to flee the Museum. And then you start to truly understand what you saw, thinking about it, to make inquiries in books and remembering — because you can’t take it all at once.”

What wonder of the world You would like to move to your hometown? That it symbolized? The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon. The successful combination of architecture, engineering and nature. It is not enough for modern Kiev. Which of the lovely, green, historic town is transformed into architectural-concrete-chasnogo monster.

If You have discovered a new planet, how would You call it? In honor of the children: mark, Elina.

Imagine that You came to visit the US President with a request to show Ukraine. Where would You invite him to the tour? I would have invited trump to travel across the country. To call it a business interest in us. After all, investment trump is a green light for investment from around the world! And the development of my Ukraine!

What do You consider your greatest achievement in life, and what is the biggest mistake? The most important achievement is my family. And mistakes, I am not obsessed. They must be, it is the mistakes we learn.

What is the lesson for You is the best rest? I love to run. All his important speeches, events, dates – I have to “run”! And besides, I like to read, hanging out with family.

Diana PANCHENKO, the Author and presenter of the programme “Subject”, presenter of “Confrontation” and “the Fifth corner” on channel NewsОne.

The most significant event in Your career in 2019: 2019, for me, was truly a breakthrough. We have launched 5 very cool projects. This special projects of important events, and a weekly program show “Subject” and “Confrontation”, where I was lucky enough to be a leading and co-host. In addition, launched the project “the Fifth corner”, which I’m unlikely Ehowcom and the project “Epicenter of Ukrainian politics”, which I direct.

What is your motto? Everything will be right — that the world is constructed.

Who did You dream to become in childhood? Journalist!

Do You have a dream that is not yet fulfilled? Maintain the television from the Ukrainian Donetsk.

To be successful today is… means to do what you love.

Your favourite saying? And you will be given according to your faith.

Who do You think is the most outstanding journalist in history? E. Hemingway.

Rate the level of freedom of speech in Ukraine on a 10-point scale. Each implements the freedom of speech as much as it sees fit.

How often do You watch TV at home? Often. Watching how their colleagues work.

If happiness is not in money, then what? Not about the money. In communication.

Keep the phrase “Give me a fulcrum and I…” I Find the information occasion is available. However, I find the information occasion is available and no fulcrum.

What trait is Your biggest flaw? Perfectionism.

If Your honor chefs named a dish – what would it be? What are the ingredients? Cocktail “Information”. Of truth and a lot of pepper)

Do You have a favorite book? “The Brothers Karamazov”.

Who of historical figures You could be friends with if I were his contemporary? With Gagarin)

What wonder of the world You would like to move to your hometown? In Ukraine, the lack of miracles!

If You have discovered a new planet, how would You call it? Ukraine!

Imagine that You came to visit the US President with a request to show Ukraine. Where would You invite him to the tour? In The Donbass.

What do You consider your greatest achievement in life, and what is the biggest mistake? No regrets

What is the lesson for You is the best rest? Sleep!