According to the presenter, even on vacation, she does not forget to arrange a workout.

Now Rosie accompanies her husband Paul Will tour the United States. One of the new photos she appeared in top form on the beach. The TV presenter posed with her husband immediately after my run. One of the frames she purposely distorted to show “dramatically fat” Will. In her opinion, that is how they will look if you want to stay in America for a few months.

“Expectation and reality. So might be if we stayed in America for six months. But today not about it. In Miami, we tried every morning to run with the kids on the sand. Yes — difficult, Yes — unusual, with the wind will you run”, — told Rosie.

“Insanely beautiful!”, “What a figure”, “happy family”, Finally Paul got better”, “You just wonder what class!” — so comment on funny pics fans of Laysan.