2020 will be the year when Ukraine in a big way can mark the 150th anniversary of the birthday of Soviet Union founder Vladimir Lenin. About this in his telegram channel said a well-known Ukrainian political analyst, journalist and broadcaster Taras Berezovets.

According to experts, today the Ukrainian authorities will not do anything to prevent provocations progressiste and Pro-Soviet politicians and citizens on the streets at the end of April this year. However, according to him, nowhere is not hold shares of remembrance for the millions of victims of “red terror” and repression in the Soviet Union.

“All will come out all Communist filth, simonenki and Vitrenko. And where the willingness of the state? Where the exhibition about the mass terror, famine, purges, millions were tortured in the Soviet Union? Emptiness and nothing,” protested the analyst.

Vladimir Ulyanov, known as Lenin, was born on 22 April 1870 in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk). He is a theorist of Marxism, the Creator of the USSR and leader of the so-called “great October socialist revolution”. He died on 21 January 1924 in Gorki near Moscow at the age of 54 years.

Earlier, we reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin contradicts himself: on the one hand, trying to restore the Soviet Union, on the other hand, “does not understand the logic of” the actions of the Soviet Union founder Vladimir Lenin. In particular, Putin accused Lenin that Lenin gave Ukraine a “primordially Russian Donbass”. As stated by the President of the aggressor country at a press conference, Lenin was not a statesman, and revolutionary, who created a Federation of equal Nations and a Confederation with the right to secede from it. Against it strongly objected to Joseph Stalin, but eventually accepted it.