This week visitors of the shopping centre in Cribbs Causeway Gloucestershire (UK) will be able to assess the capabilities of Autonomous transport units intended for the carriage of passengers between the row of stalls and a public pedestrian areas. They will run every day from 10 to 16 hours.
The project was called CAPRI. It is the fruit of joint development consortium of companies and academic institutions, whose goal is mass adoption of this form of transport on UK roads.
However, according to technical Director infrastructure firm AES George Lanta, “for the full realization of this idea very important that potential passengers had the opportunity to experience the advantages of this transport service, which can completely change the way their movement”.
The modules are equipped with sensors, radars and system for processing video information for navigation in pedestrian zones, even if they prams and bicycles. Along with technical trials, the researchers will study people’s reactions to Autonomous vehicles to continue testing on urban roads at the end of 2020.
Source — Capri Mobility