Against the backdrop of the absorption of Belarus in Minsk
published plan document, which involves the complete severance of economic
and military ties with Moscow and orientation towards the Euro-Atlantic space.

The document was obtained by the Russians and published the odious propagandist Evgeny Popov, who along with his wife Olga Skobeeva
the leads of the show “60 minutes.”

Popov has published a Seimas resolution of the party Belarusian popular front, which was presented on 21 December 2019. It
involves the immediate removal from the territory of Belarus in the military facilities of Russia,
and Belarus’s withdrawal from the treaties setting up the so-called Union
States with Russia, as well as revision of all others”
integration” deals that “were made illegitimate
authorities against the will of the Belarusian people”.

The text also demand the abolition of Belarus ‘ participation in
unfavorable economic unions like the Eurasian economic Union instead
what the government needs to enter the world trade organization and
to provide the country access to the European market.

Another requirement is that the accession to NATO.

“Belarus should join the political and
then to the military structures of NATO as a strong, efficient and reliable
a defensive Alliance in the world, membership in which will give the country access to critical
military standards and ensure the free and unhindered movement of the country on
the path to European integration”, – stated in the document.

A few days ago we reported that Russia cut off crude oil supplies to Belarus. Then, many experts noted the beginning of the “gasoline war”.

However, later it became known that “Belneftekhim” have already started the paperwork with the Russian company.