October 18 was the anniversary of a bloody accident in Odessa.
Zaitseva and Dronovu given 10 years in prison / “MediaPort”

Voluntary compensation of damages by the verdict of the court Gennady neither drones nor Elena Zaitseva (persons involved in fatal accidents in Kharkiv, which killed six people) victims held.

See also the case Zaitseva-Dronova, a new scandal erupted (document)

About this on his page in Facebook said the lawyer of the victims Larisa Matveeva.

“Writs received by us, directed for execution. In relation Dronova Executive production is already open, on Executive production Zaitseva is still no information,” she said.

The lawyer wrote that statements about payment of insurance compensation, the victims appealed as to the insurance company Dronova and insurance companies Zaitseva, however, as of today, no payments, no decision on the review of statements of payments.

As reported the UNIAN, 18 October 2017 in Kharkov at the intersection of streets Sumy and lane Mechnikov clash “Lexus” 20-year-old Zaitseva, which was moving at red lights with exceeding the speed limit, and the car “Volkswagen Touareg”, at the wheel which was a 49-year-old Gennady drones.

After the collision, the Lexus took off on the sidewalk and knocked down 11 pedestrians. The accident on the spot, five people died, another person died from injuries in hospital.

February 26, 2019 Kyiv district court of Kharkiv admitted Dronova and Zaitsev guilty of the accident and has appointed punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty for periods of 10 years each.