Yulia Yuzik


The detention of the Russian journalist Yulia Yuzik is not due to spyware activity, and with the question of obtaining a visa, said TASS, the official representative of the government of Iran, Ali Rabia. “Her case is related to irregularities in a visa, not espionage” – quoted by RIA “Novosti”. Rabia added that the Iranian authorities continue studying the situation.

In the Kremlin to arrest Yuzik are negative and expect her release in the near future, as well as getting clarification from the Iranian side. This was stated press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, calling the detention of Russian journalists ‘ unacceptable, reports TASS.

Earlier Monday, the Director of the second Asia Department at the Russian foreign Ministry Zamir Kabulov said that Moscow hopes for release Yuzik this week. “The Ambassador was on Saturday, the Iranian foreign Ministry. Completed the trial, and we expect that soon it will release,” said Kabulov.

Ex-husband Yuzik, journalist Boris Wojciechowski, said Ura.ru that in the previous days, the Russian diplomats were not allowed to Yulia.

“I know that the day before yesterday and yesterday representatives of our Consulate was in the Iranian foreign Ministry, tried to do something, to access Julia. I understand that attempts have not been successful. She is still in jail, waiting for at least some decisions and the opportunity to meet with someone from the representatives of Russia,” – said Wojciechowski. According to him, the court in the case of the journalist, is scheduled for October 5, transferred him to an unknown time. Telephone communication with Yuzik still there.

The press attache of the Russian Embassy in Iran Andrei Ganenko on Monday, reported TASS that the Embassy is working on getting consular access Yuzik.

She has arrived in Iran on September 29 at the invitation of the Director of the Russian-language satellite channel Iran Today Bahram Hanlar, which Yuzik had worked. At the airport she for unknown reasons withdrew the passport, promising to return it on departure from the country. October 2 fighters of the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps arrested Yuzik the hotel, broke down the door to her room.

Before the connection with the journalist was lost, she had to inform relatives that she is being held in the chamber on the bare floor. According to relatives Yuzik, she is diagnosed with a fatal disease, of which she herself did not apply.

In the Russian Embassy said that the journalist had not informed the diplomatic mission about the difficulties with the passport. At the same time, according to her family, Yuzik was expecting it can hold. 4 Oct invited to the foreign Ministry the Ambassador of Iran in Moscow Mehdi Sanai said that Yuzik testified the Iranian law enforcement authorities and will soon be released. But the next day the Russian press attache said that the confirmation of the imminent release of the journalist from the Iranian foreign Ministry is not received.