
State Ukrgasbank has officially stated that it shall take all necessary measures to prevent the misappropriation of its assets – as collateral, ” and considers appropriate action in Kharkiv debtors obvious facts of the conspiracy between the participants of the criminal scheme which purpose is removal from the pledge and sale of the mortgage.

According to the state Bank, in 2016 between him and the borrower PFK, OOO Magnum “in the person of D. V. Lipina was concluded a credit agreement with a credit limit in the amount of 15 million UAH with term of use until 26.09.2017. At the same time to ensure the fulfilment of loan obligations between the Bank and OOO “omega Plus Kharkov” (in the person of Ordenana P. A.) had signed a mortgage agreement, according to which a mortgage for Ukrgasbank was transferred to non-residential premises 340,8 sq. m. the address: g. Kharkov, street Pushkin, 3.

In connection with the failure of a borrower’s default on timely repayment of the loan and payment of percent for using credit resources, the UGB on the basis of the mortgage agreement began the process of collecting the collateral.

The borrower, in turn, in the face of Ordenana P. A., Director of “Kharkiv omega Plus” with the purpose of evasion from performance of obligations under the credit agreement, and to avoid the withdrawal of Bank collateral to ensure the mortgage agreement, acting by prior agreement with Libidinem D. V., the head of open company “PFK” Magnum “, 05.09.2017 appealed to the Economic court of Kharkiv region for recognition LLC “omega Plus” Kharkiv bankrupt. For unknown reasons, 03.10.2017 ruling of the Economic court of Kharkiv region, OOO “omega Plus” Kharkiv declared bankrupt and open liquidation procedure of companies.

The decision of the Moscow district court (ruling judge, Maystrenko A. N.) from 24.05.2018 p. right of ownership residential premises was suddenly returned Stashys V. O., which was the primary owner of the object. This decision of the court, issued in violation of procedural rules and without the participation Bank, has successfully appealed by the Bank in Kharkiv appeal court.

As noted by the Bank, the borrower, represented by the executives of OOO “omega Plus Kharkiv” LLC “PFK” Magnum “, it did not stop attempts to seize specified property” entered into a criminal conspiracy with the state Registrar Krasnogradsky district state administration of Kharkiv region Litvinova L. V., 21.03.2019 which illegally abolished the right of ownership of “omega Plus Kharkov” for non-residential premises, located in the mortgage Bank and registered title to all of the same Staszic A. V. “- it is told in the Bank message.

With the same purpose, the private notary of the Kharkov city notarial district Suligoi N. A. 01.07.2019 wrongful terminated the mortgage of JSB “Ukrgasbank” on non-residential premises the subject of the mortgage, and canceled encumbrances prohibiting the alienation of these premises on the basis of the decision of the Economic court of Kharkiv region, which OOO “omega Plus Kharkov” is only declared bankrupt and a bankruptcy order is relatively bankrupt.

Further, for the purpose of illegal alienation of the collateral and return the loan funds, state Bank, officers of the LLC “Kharkov omega Plus” and LLC “PFK” Magnum “in conspiracy with unknown officials of LLC” Genus “, 02.07.2019 introduced non-residential premises the subject of the mortgage Bank in the authorized capital of LLC “Genus” and 03.07.2019 registered the ownership of these premises by the specified society.

Obviously, the state Registrar Litvinova L. V. and private notary Salyha N. A. abusing their powers and in collusion with officials, OOO “omega Plus Kharkiv” LLC “PFK” Magnum “, has made the actions directed on illegal withdrawal of collateral a state Bank, that is a criminal offense under part 3 of article 365-2 of the criminal code of Ukraine, as well as unlawful misappropriation of another’s property in especially large sizes, which are signs of the criminal offense provided by part 5 of article 191 UK of Ukraine.

For the purpose of prevention of economic damage to the state (more 94,94% of the share capital of JSB “Ukrgasbank” belongs to the state), the protection of the interests of numerous clients of the Bank on the proposal of the JSB “Ukrgasbank” a criminal case to prevent misappropriation of the property of the Bank and attraction of the persons involved in this criminal scheme, criminal charges.