In Russia over the past five years, the number of patients with multiple sclerosis has increased by almost 20 thousand people. This is evidenced by data the Ministry of health, which examined RT.

  • © Ramil Sitdikov
  • RIA Novosti

In 2013, all of these patients was 62.3 per thousand, in 2018 — 82.2 thousand

The highest incidence rate last year was recorded in St. Petersburg (117 cases per 100 thousand population). Next come the Lipetsk region (101 case), Tula oblast (98.1) and Pskov oblast (96.6 per case).

The fewest cases per 100 thousand population was recorded in Tuva (7,1), Chechnya (9,5), the Jewish Autonomous region (13,6), Dagestan (18) and Ingushetia (19,1).

According to neurologist Jan Vlasov, President, Russian public organization of disabled patients with multiple sclerosis, the increase in the number of patients with the disease is associated with improved detection and effective early diagnosis.

“The number of patients with this pathology has average growth in Russia of 7% per year. Many of them are due to the introduction of new medical technologies. By 2018, the creation of a complex for early diagnostics in the country, we can say, became a close to optimal. Now all groups of drugs to treat this disease available in the territory of Russia”, — explained the expert.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the sheath the brain and spinal cord.

Earlier, the health Ministry said that in Russia over the past five years has increased the number of patients with gastritis (inflammation of stomach) and duodenitis (inflammation of duodenal).