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Fans of the action film Die Hard are begging Disney to leave their beloved franchise alone, after rumors emerged that the company would attempt to reboot the dormant series, leaving the internet cringing in anticipation.

Following its merger with 20th Century Fox earlier this year, Disney canceled a planned prequel to the cult 1988 film, but a new ‘Die Hard’ project starring a young John McClane is still rumored to be in the works.

Devotees of the franchise reacted by demanding on Twitter that Disney leave the reboot on the shelf. While there were a few voices curious how the reboot would turn out, the vast majority of takes predicted that the film would inevitably lose its edge with a kid-friendly remake that no one asked for.

Is nothing sacred https://t.co/wv51m3hC3j

— Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) August 20, 2019

“Really? Somehow, I don’t think John McClane is going to have as much entertaining impact in a PG13 rated remake that no one asked for… or remain a straight white male for that matter,” one critic tweeted.

Disney's thinking about rebooting Die Hard.


Somehow, I don't think John McClane is going to have as much entertaining impact in a PG13 rated remake that no one asked for… or remain a straight white male for that matter.https://t.co/mxBQdnE3L5#DieHard

— Aaaauuuggghhh!! (@EchoDistant) August 16, 2019

Some went further, fearing that the reboot would be a musical, casting John – or is it Jane? – McClane as a “woke” warrior who checks off all of the boxes for progressive identity politics.

We have confirmation on this.

Will also be a musical.

— Director Haspell ? (@GinaHaspell1) August 20, 2019

Others, apparently sick of seeing their favorite films ruined by terrible remakes, simply demanded an end to “reboot culture” altogether…

So Disney plans to remake not only Alien…but also Die Hard.

This needs to stop.#StopRebootCulture

— J. Reynolds (@czarisyn) August 16, 2019

…while the most die hard fans vowed to spend “not one penny” on the new film, boycotting the box office long before the remake, still thought to be in the planning stage, was even confirmed.

@Disney a heads up, you will not get 1 penny from me by rebooting Die Hard. What a terrible idea.

— Jeff Cilliani (@jeffcill733) August 20, 2019

The beloved action classic – still considered a Christmas movie by many devoted fans – starred Bruce Willis as a New York police officer trying to rescue his wife from a terrorist  played by the late Alan Rickman.

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