Attorney wolf stated that the conduct of the detectives NAB investigations without procedural guidance from SAP “puts all the points on the legality of the evidence gathered by these detectives.”
The high Council of justice (Verkhovna Rada) has rejected the petition of the GPU on the removal of the Wolf / Facebook/Paul Wolf

The documents that the Prosecutor General’s office has provided the High Council of justice together with a request for the suspension of justice in connection with the criminal prosecution of judges of District administrative court of Kiev Pavel Vovk, had no legal force.

As the correspondent of the UNIAN reports, about it journalists were told by the lawyer Vovk Mikhail Ilyashev after the High Council of justice dismissed the petition of the Prosecutor General to dismiss the wolf.

“We are pleased, of course, by this decision, we hoped it. The only thing we were worried that the decision may be not legal but political. If you look at the motion (of the Prosecutor General – the UNIAN) from a legal point of view, for us it was clear that the prospects of legal this application is not because the documents attached, had no legal force,” – said Ilyashev.

Read takharestan District administrative court of Kyiv Vovk said that he had resigned

The lawyer noted that most of the materials that fed the GPU, included a judge of the District administrative court of Kiev Andrey Fedorchuk.

According to him, a strange wolf advocates seemed that Fedorchuk to testify went to the investigator of the GPU, which is engaged in the appropriate case, and filed a statement that he is under pressure, and also noted the particular criminal proceedings. “The question is, why he came suddenly to this investigator? How did he know about him and about the existence of this case? How did he know that the investigator should be contacted regarding questions relating to exactly Highest qualitative judges?”, the lawyer added.

According to him, it is still unclear why a Central authority that conducts the investigation is the Chernihiv Prosecutor’s office.

In addition, he noted that the Prosecutor’s office could not explain how the detectives of the National anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine can conduct an investigation without procedural guidance from the Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office. “Because it immediately puts all the points on the legality of the evidence collected by these detectives,” he said.

As UNIAN reported earlier, on 26 July on the website of NABU were released records of the conversation that, according to the investigation, evidence of illegal intervention of judges of District administrative court of Kyiv in the work of the High qualifications Commission of judges which was to create obstacles for the qualification assessment of judges OACK to the compliance office. During its passage not only check the knowledge level of the judges, but also the origin of property and involvement in corruption scandals.

On the same day in AASK were searched. The head of the Department of special investigations of the GPU Sergey Gorbatyuk said that the Prosecutor General has documented illegal influence of the District administrative court of Kiev on the decisions of the Constitutional court, the High qualifications Commission of judges High Council of justice, and the impact on the activities of the ministries, departments and State Bureau of investigation.

Read takiego suspect handed the head of the scandalous District administrative court of Kyiv Vovk

On 2 August the Prosecutor General’s office handed over the suspect to the Chairman OASC Vovka, judges Eugene Ablove and Igor Pogrebnichko, and the judge of Suvorovsky district court of Odessa Ivan Shepitko, which appear in the records of NABOO. Judges are charged with obstructing the work of the Vienna Convention, the issuing of a clearly unjust decisions and interference in the judiciary, that is, crimes under art 351-2, article 375, article 376 of the Penal code.

The Second decision of the Disciplinary chamber of the High Council of justice of April 8, 2019 judge Ablova removed from justice.

On 6 August, the Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko said that the Prosecutor General’s office plans to transfer to the High Council of justice (SCJ) performance on measures of restraint in respect of the four judges who were presented with suspicion. Lutsenko stressed that this is one of the most high-profile cases over the past two years, during which for 7 months was carried out secret investigative search actions (call recording) in the offices of judges.

Today, August 20, the High Council of justice dismissed the application of the GPU to suspend wolf from justice.

Also today, wolf said that since August 1, I resigned authority of the Chairman of the District administrative court of Kiev.