The head of the party “public Servants” Dmitry Razumkov rewrote part of his business to his wife.

This he personally said in an interview with “New times”,
reports “Диалог.UA”.

Earlier it was reported that Zelensky want
“fair” to raise MPs salaries.

So, Razumkov noted that really came out of his
business and rewrote it to his wife. While earlier members of the party “Servant
of the people” and associates Zelensky has repeatedly criticized this approach
previous officials and deputies.

He assured that she had been in this consulting business
you should not look for any sensationalism in this step.

Razumkov running their own business project
consulting company Ukrainian Consulting Group. Now his wife is about
34% of the company. Another founder is Dmitry Telezhinsky.

Recall Razumkov told about major changes in the Verkhovna Rada.

And Razumkov made a loud statement about his future.