A resident of St. Petersburg to 83 years riding kayaking and skiing.

Olga Zhukovskaya is still at work – she works as a consultant in a large company, and in his free time Alpine skiing, kayaking, Hiking walks and draws. About it writes “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

Olga has three higher educations: graduated from the physics Department of St. Petersburg state University, Institute of Technology and the University. Bauman. According to her, nearly 50 years she doesn’t eat sugar and salt. In his student years she was riding a bike and got the title of master of sports.

“Cross-country skiing standing since childhood. At school it was a common exercise, a student had to pass the standards TRP. Even pregnant, went to training – said Olga Zhukovskaya. – But the mountain started 40 years before that was afraid of heights”.

Another part of her life – water. Olga – candidate of master in boating. She did a rowing slalom and floated in canoes on the rapids: and one, and with a partner. Now Olga was the honorary judge in the competition.

“I get up at 7:30 every morning do exercises to feel fresh. Eat five times a day portion the size of a handful. Indifferent to sweets, like fruits, vegetables and nuts. Always weigh 54 kg, – says Olga. – Drink water – 30 grams per kilogram of body weight, so consider how much. I walk a lot. And I always set yourself up for a positive. It seems to me that nature has created us to be whole and harmonious. Most diseases are from nerves and stress, often we ourselves harm. We have to think about the good. When the harmony inside, no pills is not necessary.”