The “Ukrzaliznytsia” there are other ways to close their financial holes, in addition to increasing rates for shippers.
ULTRASOUND enhances the rates of transportation, to close their financial gaps / photo UNIAN
Starting from 2013, tariffs for freight railway transport “Ukrzaliznytsya” has tripled. Instead of having to deal with theft on the railway, the monopolist prefers to raise the cost of their services to shippers.
This was during a meeting in Gasregulating service to discuss the draft automatic tariff indexation TIES, said Chairman of the Union of chemists of Ukraine Oleksiy Golubov.
“Don’t have time to dry the ink on the last document on increase of tariffs, as there is a new. And here we are again discussing how these rates are to increase… in 2013, the rates increased around 3 times. And tell me, have you grown transportation? No, they annually fall. Somehow improved the quality of services rendered? Nothing of the sort. But rates have tripled,” said Golubov.
According to him, “Ukrzaliznytsya” there are other ways to close their financial holes, in addition to increasing rates for shippers. In particular, Golubov said: the monopolist did nothing to stop recorded by the Federation of representative of USA Embassy of Ukraine scheme of theft on the railway.
“In 2017, the FEU issued a document, which is painted UZ shortcomings in its work. For example, in Melitopol depot a day is stolen 7-8 tons of diesel fuel. I as a technologist, it is unclear how it is possible to prevent having desire for something? There are expenses for dislike when moving the part and when it is idle. Counted how many went in, asked where the fuel, put a couple of people and get it stopped. But no. Still this is happening. The only year here of UZ loses 2.5 billion a year,” said Golubov.
The total loss BONDS such theft range from 12 to 17 billion a year – said the expert.
“And we sit and think about how else to improve. Soon there will be nothing to carry. There is simply nothing. If you now do the country will go in the Bank of river navigation – the railroad will probably have big claims… And I’d like to hear from the bands that they are doing this year that they plan to do next in those corruption cases, which are still drawn. I want to understand whether this is so from top to bottom is riddled that nobody can there hand to grab, or some other reasons for this inactivity?” summed up Golubov.