For his actions, the suspect received cash consideration from the special services of the aggressor state.
Law enforcement authorities detained a former police officer, recruited by the Russian FSB / SBU

The military Prosecutor’s office of the Poltava garrison, together with the investigators of the investigation Department and field investigators of Department of counterintelligence of SBU in Poltava region exposed treason inhabitant of Kremenchug.

See also”Girkin – only minion”: the General security service explained, one in the first place to be judged for the disaster MH17

This reports the press service of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

“It is established that the said person for years 2016-2019, with the aim of harming the sovereignty, territorial integrity and defense capability, economic and information security of Ukraine passed information about the socio-political, socio-economic and military situation in Ukraine, the employees of FSB of the Russian Federation”, – stated in the message.

For such actions the man received a reward from the security services of the aggressor state.

During the searches, he seized items of criminal activity and 9 thousand dollars., and 4 900 Russian rubles, proceeds of crime.

To date, the law enforcement officers told the citizen on suspicion of committing a crime under part 1 of article 111 of the criminal code of Ukraine (high treason). The sanction of article prescribes punishment in the form of imprisonment from 12 to 15 years.

Drafted and filed in court the petition for election to it measures of restraint in form of detention.

As reported on the website of the SBU, the security officers have established that the inhabitant of Poltava, a former employee of the interior Ministry of Ukraine, was recruited in 2014 on the basis of the material in the territory temporarily annexed Crimea.


Operatives SAT documented that doing the job Russian secret services an attacker using personal networks to collect intelligence information about the activities of military units, the national-Patriotic movements in the region. He also gave the Russians a list of the mobilization reserve, as well as volunteers and volunteers of the region who took part in the ATO/OOS.