In the Odessa area found dead the former head of Belgorod-Dniester Odessa region administration Vladimir Zinchenko.

So, Vladimir Zinchenko
was found in his home in the Ovidiopolsky area. Information reports “Диалог.UA” referring to the “Ukrainian truth”.

As reported in
may the victim was shot in the people’s Deputy Alexander Urban, the result
what he was in prison. He was then sent under house

It is known that in
2010 President Viktor Yanukovych has ordered that Zinchenko dismissed
Chairman of the Belgorod-Dniester district administration. When
the reason the document is not indicated. Zinchenko headed the district for five

We will remind, the consequence
voiced the main version of death Tymchuk.

Previously reported details of the tragic death of the famous workers of the Verkhovna Rada.