In the Specialized anticorruption Prosecutor’s office assure that the investigators have collected a large number of relevant and admissible evidence, proving the guilt of the Odessa mayor Gennady Trukhanov and other persons in causing the city budget damages.
SAP is appealing the acquittal Trukhanov / photo UNIAN

In the Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office said that the appeal against the acquittal of the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov and other defendants in the case about the purchase of the building of the plant “region”.

This is stated in the message of SAP in Facebook.

“… prosecutors SAP strongly disagreed with the specified judicial decision. According to the prosecution, the detectives NAB under the procedural guidance of prosecutors SAP, conducted a comprehensive, complete and objective pre-trial investigation in the specified criminal proceedings, collected a large number of relevant and admissible evidence in its entirety to fully prove the guilt of the Odessa mayor and other persons in the Commission of the alleged crimes,” – said in the message.

Read cachedel Trukhanov: the court during the reading of a sentence the mayor of Odessa “mined”

It is noted that after reviewing the full text of the verdict prosecutors SAP will submit an appeal against the decision of the court.

As UNIAN reported earlier, Trukhanov and other officials were accused of misappropriation of funds of the municipal budget when buying city Council deliberately inflated the cost of the building, formerly part of the integral property complex of the bankrupt plant “region”.

In September 2016 the Odessa city Council has acquired over 185 million UAH factory building from a private company, which at the beginning of that year paid for the complex in the auction of 11.5 million UAH.

Read cachedel plant “region”: SAP asks to sentence the mayor of Odessa, Trukhanov to 12 years in prison

In the dock were Trukhanov, Deputy mayor Paul Fogelman, Chairman of the permanent Commission for communal property of the city Council Vasily Shkriabai, head of the municipal Department of municipal property Alex Spector and his Deputy Vladimir Radionov, Director of the “development elite” (the seller of the building) Peter Zagodirenko, LLC “Valton Group” Igor Kravchenko and enterprise “Brokbiznesbank” (appraiser) Galina Bogdanova.

In April of 2019, the head of SAP Nazar Golodnitsky stated the need for harmonization of the new indictment. After its approval, it became known about change of the sum of means of the city budget, which the partners took possession of, is reduced with 185 million UAH to almost 92,66 million.

Today, July 9, Malinovsky district court of Odessa acquitted all defendants in the case, including Trukhanov.

The court stated that it is not a violation that could testify to the fact that officials of the budget caused the damage, and the prosecution has not proved the guilt of the defendants. Also, the court declared invalid a number of the evidence presented by the prosecution, and reports of suspicion Trukhanov and other defendants.