The police establishes the motives of the crime.
In Odessa detained three suspects in the murder / photo Odessa detained three suspects in the murder on 30 June of a young man in his apartment in the presence of his mother.

As reported the UNIAN in Department of communications Chief of the national police in the Odessa region, the resonant event took place in one of the residential houses in the Central part of the city.

In the apartment where 27-year-old victim lived with her mother, the attackers came late in the evening. Starting a conflict with the owners, one of the participants of the criminal group sprayed the room substance tear of the action, and then fired several shots from a revolver at the owner.

“From the received wounds the man died, and the attackers from the crime scene disappeared. About the tragedy in the police said the elderly mother, in front of which was shot by the son”, – said in the Chapter.

See also Odessa man killed his wife, wounded a 17-year-old son and tried to commit suicide

In the result of action by the operatives of the seaside police Department and employees of criminal investigation Department detained three local residents at the age of 26, 30 and 36 years.

In the course of urgent investigative actions of the defendants seized the revolver, and the car on which all three moved.

Now the motives of the crime and other circumstances of the specified events are established by investigators.

All three attackers are declared suspicion in the Commission of a criminal offense under part 2 St. 115 (premeditated murder) of the Criminal code of Ukraine. The question on election of a measure of restraint.

Video: Polca Tesini

As UNIAN reported earlier, on the evening of 30 June in the centre of Odessa the unknown shot dead a young man in his apartment, located in one of the houses of the alley Mayakovsky.