The annual contest Delsbo Electric held in the Swedish town of the same name, gives participants a goal to build the most efficient from the point of view of power consumption of the vehicle. By default, for safety’s sake, it has to move on rails along the route is 3.36 km. long Speed is irrelevant, on the contrary, cars must carry a load of not less than 6 passengers from 50 kg each, so they are happy ride children. And risk no one will.

The main task – to build an effective but not a one-off design which will consume less fuel in proportion to the work done. Traditionally for many years, the first is the Eximus team, with engineers and scientists from the universities of Chalmers and Dalarna. Their latest model, the Eximus IV, reached a record identical to 0.33 l of gasoline per 100 km.

The other party, which attracted attention, was the team Levitas. They built, neither more nor less, and own version of Maglev train–truck on magnetic levitation. She did not show very significant results, but no problems moving on the usual rails, and other cars. And it was incredibly easy to manage and cheap to manufacture for such a complex technology. It is possible that this development in the near future will be able to make a revolution in rail transport.

Maglev train-truck Levitas

Source — Delsbo Electric