Most expensive TV advertising cost on inter – 2 897 UAH.
Wanting to get into the new Parliament will have to pay up to 3 thousand hryvnia per second television commercials / photo UNIAN
Political parties will have to pay the hryvnia from 1.2 seconds to 2 897 UAH seconds of television advertising during the election campaign to the Verkhovna Rada.
This was announced by civil movement CHESNO, analyzing prices on TV.
So, before the presidential election, the most expensive was advertising on TRK Ukraina: a second in Prime time had to pay up to UAH 5 658 now price reduced to UAH 2 829.
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The most expensive of the channels cost advertising on inter – 2 897 UAH per second between 19:00 and 20:00. The cheapest political advertising – 518 hryvnias between 6:00 and 7:00. In the rest of the group’s TV channels “inter” advertising costs even lower, the cheapest to inter. “NTN” a second evening in Prime asking 518 hryvnias.
On the TV channel “1+1” second political advertising at night is not less than 900 UAH, in Prime time – up to 2 250 UAH. During the presidential race rates in the channel were smaller. Then its minimum value was 320 UAH, and a maximum of 1 050 UAH.
Among information channels the maximum value of seconds of advertising during the parliamentary election campaign will be loyal to ex-President Petro Poroshenko channel “Direct” – 700 UAH, and the minimum is 500 UAH.
On “channel 5”, which is owned by Poroshenko, second in the evening Prime maximum is 277,16 hryvnia, and the minimum of 88.72 hryvnia.
Some of the lowest prices for political advertising on the Public. During the presidential campaign advertising on the “NTU” was worth no more than 70 hryvnias per second, now the price has dropped to 63,56 hryvnia.
Recall, may 24, in Ukraine officially started the election campaign to the Verkhovna Rada.