Five of them are in serious condition.

Odessa is now delivered 12 soldiers who were wounded in the Donbas.

As the correspondent of the UNIAN reports, about it journalists were reported by the volunteer Andrey tantsyura.

In Odessa Ukrainian soldiers were delivered by plane from the airfield several ambulances transported them to the Military medical clinical centre of southern region.

See also”Guys with no legs and other serious wounds”: in Kiev there has arrived the new Board with the wounded soldiers from the Donbas (video)

According to the volunteer, five Ukrainian military is in a serious condition. “Many with gunshot gunshot and shrapnel wounds of varying severity”, – said tantsyura.

He also said that we need financial assistance in the purchase of medicines for the wounded.

Earlier in the Dnieper in the hospital named after Mechnikov died 20-year-old paramedic Nikolai Volkov with the call sign “Smurf”.