Children plan to settle in the camp from 8 to 28 August.
After the fire, more than 1.5 years ago, the camp will accept children / photo: UNIAN Odessa, about 100 children sent for rehabilitation in a camp “Victoria”, which in 2017 during a fire killed three girls.

As UNIAN correspondent, this follows from the corresponding order of the mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov, issued last week.

Read targetmachine a fire in a camp “Victoria”: the court extended the arrest of ex-Director

In the decree “About the organisation of rest and improvement of children and teenagers during the summer holidays in 2019”, the categories of beneficiaries for which it is necessary to organize health-improving rest. This, in particular, orphans, children combatants in the Donbass, internally displaced persons and others.

In the order listed companies, which will be organized by the hotel. Among them is municipal institution “Odessa city children’s recreation and sports complex “Victoria”, where from 8 to 28 August, is planned to send up to 100 children.

In this regard, the relevant officials of the city Council is mandated to monitor the work of health posts in the camp and to organize it in a library and holding mass events.

Also summer vacation for children is planned to organize in the camps with day stay (in educational institutions), children’s home Zhemchuzhinka, on the basis of Odesa special school No. 75 (the camp of work and rest), on the basis of lyceums, “Olympian”, “Lanzheron”, etc.

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As reported the UNIAN, the fire in the Odessa camp “Victoria”, which occurred on September 15, 2017, killed three women from the creative team of “Adele”.

Law enforcement authorities have opened several criminal proceedings (they are already submitted to the court), which involve the suspected Director of the complex Bedros Sarkissian, senior tutor Natalia Tsokur (Ancic), the former Vice-mayor of Odessa Zinaida Tsvirinko, the former head of the Kiev Department of GU gschs in the Odessa region and the inspector.

The court decided only by Tsokur, which sentenced to 3 years imprisonment with a probation period of 2 years. From all of the defendants in jail only contains Sargsyan.

Prosecutors announced on suspicion of embezzling considerable sums of budgetary funds the head of the firm, which was engaged in reconstruction of the “Victoria”.

29 November 2018, the Executive Committee of the Odessa city Council made the decision to transfer “Victoria” under the temporary accommodation of servicemen, 6 December, the court withdrew the arrest of the stone buildings of the camp. After training, the reservists left the territory of the complex.

February 18, 2019 Director of the Department of education and science of Odessa city Council Elena buynevich said that the summer camp will open. In March it became known that independent experts have revealed serious violations of building norms in the construction of wooden buildings in the camp.

Artistic Director of “Adele” Tatiana Egorova, who is a witness in the case, has left Ukraine and is not on trial.