From the shopping center of Kharkov were evacuated more than a thousand people

KIEV. May 4. UNN. Police checked the shopping center in Kharkov and found no explosives. It is reported by UNN with reference to the division of communications of the police in Kharkiv region.

So, during the test, shopping centre specialists of explosive service surveyed 10,000 square meters of space and 1000 square meters of adjacent territory were evacuated 1267 citizens.

At the scene worked investigative team, dog service, explosive specialists of the police Department. No explosive devices or hazardous substances law enforcement officers are not found.

In addition, according to the police, the same day the police received the message on mining of the hotel on Prospekt Gagarina. Hotel law enforcement officers inspected 3,000 square meters of premises and 32600 square meters adjacent territoiy.

There, law enforcement officers also found no explosive devices or hazardous substances.

Now the issue of the qualification events according to the Criminal code of Ukraine.

We will remind, the information on the bookmark of explosives in a shopping center on the street Heroes of Labor came to the police today, may 4th.