Odious priest of the Russian Orthodox Church Vsevolod Chaplin broke new aggressive statement. He urged the Kremlin to occupy the South-East of Ukraine, and Russians – to pay for this with their lives.

The scandalous statement Chaplin did in his personal Telegram-channel “Orthodox policy” reports “Диалог.UA”.

The priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin spoke about the tragedy in Odessa, calling back Russia’s Ukrainian land even at the cost of life. Moreover, the scandalous priest stated that we need to save the Russians in Ukraine from tragedies like the fire in the House of trade unions.

The memory of the victims of Odessa, which we do in the Easter holidays, lets hope for a win. That divided Russian people – people of great Russia, little Russia, White Russia – will be reunited. For this the Russian authorities need to stop being afraid of the West, as feared in 2014, leaving them to the mercy of evil of the Russian people in Odessa, Kharkov, Nikolaev“, – the statement says.

You’re Russian! Know the three sisters – Faith, Hope and Love. With them glory and victory, God is with them. When Russian people were afraid to die and destroy the enemy in the name of Christ, for the sake of relatives?“, continued Chaplin. In addition, the priest of the Russian Orthodox Church has posted a so-called “resolution” civil action “Remember Odessa” in Moscow, where he once again distinguished the remarks of the Ukrainian authorities.

The building was fired at and pelted with Molotov cocktails, firefighters were not allowed to extinguish the fire, those who managed to get out the rope, beat; beaten and tried to provide them with medical help. People were crashed to death, jumping out of Windows, choking in the smoke, many died from bullets. The mass murder of peaceful participants of the protests, spoke out against fascism, for national equality and unity with Russia, rightly called the “Odessa Khatyn”“, – he wrote.

We condemn neoanderson as an absolute evil, the manifestations of which must meet a zero tolerance. We urge the authorities of Russia and all people of goodwill not to make any compromise with this evil, no compromise with him to any negotiations with the “politicians” supporting this evil, “continued Chaplin to pour insults.

We will remind, earlier “Диалог.UA” reported that Chaplin has publicly called for the dismemberment of Ukraine.