The monitoring mission of the UN on human rights in Ukraine is concerned about the investigation of the tragic events of 2 may 2014 in Odessa. The head of mission Fiona Fraser stressed that no one was held accountable for the deaths of 48 people. Moreover, according to her, this state of Affairs attests to the disinterest of the authorities in the search and punishment of perpetrators, and the actions of Ukrainian law enforcement officers allow us to speak about bias of investigation. According to experts, unwillingness of Kiev to establish all the circumstances of the incident may lead to repetition of the tragedy. However, analysts believe that the Ukrainian authorities are ready to take the risk, since an impartial investigation could call into question the legitimacy of the current leadership of the country.

On the fifth anniversary of the tragic events in Odessa, the Monitoring mission of the UN on human rights in Ukraine (MMPCU) published a report on the progress of the investigation occurred on may 2, 2014. The report Thursday during a special briefing was presented by the head of mission Fiona Fraser.

According to her, the mission is concerned that no one has still not been punished for the deaths of 48 people and injured another 247 participants in those events. In addition, of the 29 people who were still indicted on the results of the events of may 2, 28 are supporters of federalization (“Maidan”). Fraser noted that this situation indicates the biased nature of the investigation.

In the published document, MMPCU event 2 may be divided into two incidents: clashes in the city centre between supporters of unity and federalization of Ukraine, during which were shot six people, and the riots of Kulikovo, which ended in tragedy in the House of trade unions and the death of 42 people (32 killed inside the building, and ten died from his injuries while trying to escape from a burning building).


“I will never believe that this was not planned”: the witness of the tragedy in Odessa on its investigation and inaction of the Kiev

May 2 also marks five years since the tragic events in Odessa. The victims of the fire in the trade unions Building began almost 50 people. The massacre of the…

“Unfortunately, so far no one has taken responsibility for the murder of six people in the city centre and the violent death of 42 people in the House of trade unions. In many cases, not even installed the specific perpetrators and suspects. Of the 29 people accused of involvement in the riots, 28, were potential supporters of federalization. This creates a challenge. There were two groups responsible for the escalation of violence. Consequently, such an impressive ratio allowed us to conclude that the police investigation of the riots was selective and biased” — quoted by Fraser publishing “Strenia”.

It is noted that some of the criminal proceedings opened after the tragic events of may 2, stalled at the stage of pre-trial investigation, and the other stalled at the stage of judicial proceedings, “which indicates the absence of the authorities real interest in providing justice to the victims and bringing the perpetrators to justice.”

In the monitoring mission also expressed concern that the Odessa police investigation, “probably does not meet the criteria of independence and impartiality,” given the allegations of involvement of law enforcement in this case.

“The police still have not established specific persons responsible for a fire in the House of trade unions. According to police and Prosecutor General’s office, the main obstacle in the investigation is difficulty in establishing all persons involved in the clashes,” stated in MPCU “argument” of law enforcement.

The gallery

The only the case about the murder of a supporter of federalization, which four years ago was completed pre-trial investigation and the accusation still came to court — it is the first consideration on the merits scheduled for may 13, 2019.

“The ineffective investigation and lack of responsibility shows the imperfection of justice of Ukraine”, — he said.

In the monitoring mission also drew attention to “the constant destructive behavior of supporters of unity on the court,” which is not suppressed by the police and could threaten the independent performance of judges and lawyers.

“Based on the foregoing, MMPCU notes with concern that the government has done everything necessary to ensure a prompt, independent and impartial investigations into the murders and violent deaths that took place in the violence on may 2, 2014, and the respective criminal prosecution for these actions,” reads the UN report.

Summarizing the report, MMPCU recommended that the authorities of Ukraine to ensure “effective, thorough and impartial investigation” of the events of may 2, for what to transfer leadership of the process to the Main investigation Department of national police, to give these cases priority in court proceedings and to ensure the safety of all participants in these processes.

“If such crimes to investigate, they will return to Ukraine”

On the anniversary of the events of may 2 in a number of cities of Russia and Ukraine held commemorative events, and many speakers expressed the view that the current Ukrainian government is not interested in the objective, not the biased investigation of the Odessa tragedy.

The Russian foreign Ministry stated that, despite the appeals of international organizations and human rights NGOs to conduct a thorough investigation, in Kiev stubbornly hinder it. This suggests the involvement of the leadership of the country to the events of 2 may 2014.

“A vow of silence and keep the Western curators of Kiev. It is clearly disadvantageous to admit that under their care are at the helm of the country there are forces that have hands stained in blood… do Not lose hope that Ukraine will create the conditions under which the authorities of this country will find the strength to carry out an objective and impartial investigation of the events on may 2, 2014, the results of which all involved persons will finally incur the deserved punishment”, — stressed the foreign Ministry.

  • The fifth anniversary of the tragedy in the House of trade unions

According to a member of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Franz Klintsevich, President-elect of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky needs as soon as possible to indicate their position regarding the tragedy, and investigate its circumstances.

“Zelensky should publicly Express its clear attitude to the tragedy in Odessa. This is not only an act of elementary humanity. This will largely determine further steps of the future President. There can be no question of any reconciliation in the country, while the ashes of the dead is knocking at the hearts of millions of Ukrainians”, — said the Senator.


“Left alone”: how the survivors of the tragedy in Odessa 2014 the participants of the “antimaydana” hiding in Russia

Five years after the tragedy in the trade unions Building in Odessa, which killed 48 people, Kiev was never found guilty in…

In turn, the political scientist Ivan Mizuho in an interview with RT doubted that the publication of the next report of the UN monitoring mission will affect the course of the process, because the official truth in those events would mean “the destruction of the mythology of post-Maidan Ukraine.” The expert believes that the Western curators of the Kiev regime is also not particularly tuned to the resolution of this issue and punish the perpetrators.

“Now Ukraine elected a new government — non-systemic and populist. I wondered whether it is helping to ensure that was found guilty or not. A feeling that did not. Not interested in this modern post-Maidan Ukraine”, — said the Deputy Dean of the faculty of world economy and world politics VSHE Andrey Suzdaltsev.

However, he noted that created in Ukraine the system is satisfied with external sponsors, but because people of a certain range are out of the reach of Ukrainian law enforcement and justice. According to the expert, this situation is dangerous because it can lead to repetition of the tragedy 2014. However, the expert believes that the authorities in Ukraine are ready to take the risk to keep the appearance of legitimacy.

“It is very sad, because this kind of crime, if not to investigate, will return to Ukraine. That’s scary. This is akin to the boomerang. If not stopped, it returns,” said Suzdaltsev.

We will add that none of the senior Ukrainian politicians on Thursday did not bother to comment on the events of five years ago — neither President Petro Poroshenko nor Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman, nor the speaker of Parliament Andriy Parubiy, which at the time of the tragedy was the Secretary of the national security Council, no elected head of state Vladimir Zelensky. On the background of the past 2 of may, commemorative events took place in Odessa “March of the Ukrainian order”, which was attended by about a thousand supporters of right-wing movements, shouting nationalist slogans.