One of the definitions is as follows: Tarot cards are 78 doors through which wisdom enters.

We fully support this definition and even named the section of the site dedicated to the Tarot Arcanas that way – “78 doors”. Through each of these doors, individual lessons and experiences enter our lives. Respect is worth each of them. The appearance of ANY Arkan in the scenario is an event. Each card has its lesson, has a deep philosophical and mystical meaning. From the depth of the person as a person depends on what he can learn from her. In the end, the overall purpose of the map is just a stimulus for reflection. It requires not stopping, not clinging to it, but a further path of free thought processes and associations. Tarot adapts, gets used, adjusts to each person and can be very personal. Each person, in essence, creates his language of interpretation, his understanding of the imagery of cards! This is just a matter of time and practice. Practice at the same time can be reduced to pulling out one card per day for yourself (although three are more interesting!), Or to the Celtic cross, which is laid out from time to time, out of curiosity. The best way to learn Tarot is to set yourself no goals and enjoy the day-to-day journey (keeping a travel diary). 

An in-depth study of tarot is a long-term project. In essence, working with him is enough for a lifetime. 

For us, Tarot cards are:

  • – a spiritual oracle, a mantic instrument that helps analyze the situation, reflect on the experience, make a decision;
  • – friend and interlocutor, with whom it is never dull, whose language sounds different to everyone;
  • – A teacher who helps to see the connection of the inner path of the soul with the lessons of external life situations; he learns to ask the right questions and make the right decisions, improving both logic and intuition;
  • – a guide to the world of inner transformation, because the images of the Tarot are archetypical landmarks on the path of self-knowledge.


Tarot can teach a lot. With him, you can look at the situation from an unexpected angle, get additional information, make some choice, develop a deeper understanding of life processes, at the same time study the history of culture, mythology and psychology, for example, and get to the deeply personal insights. And you can relax your soul or be inspired for new accomplishments.

Tarot is a powerful resource for a person in a difficult situation, in a difficult life phase. Even just drawing three cards from the deck for a day, you can get a lot of support on your way. Those who went through such an experience (provided that they did not demand the impossible from Tarot, for example, promise to fulfill all desires), know that Tarot is a friend and helper. But even laying out the cards just out of curiosity, you never get tired of being surprised. Perhaps the most important thing you need to work with Tarot, in addition to the deck is the willingness to enjoy the process of reading the layout! Whatever it is.      

The Tarot deck includes 22 Major Arcana (twenty-one cards and a zero Arcane) and 56 Junior Arcana. Total 78 cards.

The structure of the Junior Arcana is familiar to almost everyone who has taken ordinary playing cards at least once. These are four suits – Wands (clubs), Swords (pikes), Bowls (hearts) and Pentacles (diamonds). Each suit contains cards from Ace to Ten. There are also Figured Arcana or Yard Cards of each suit – Page (Jack), Knight (they are not in regular playing decks), Queen (queen) and King. Total, ten number cards, and four court cards – each suit contains fourteen cards. Since there are four suits, it turns out 56 cards of the Minor Arcana.

Junior Arcana are “small secrets.” And usually, these “little secrets” are clear to everyone without much mystical knowledge. The sequence from Ace to Ten describes the development from the beginning, the rudiment (Ace) to the climax, the final result (Ten) so that it is clear at what stage the process is easy to imagine what happened before and what the next step in this sequence could be. Bowls, of course, belong to the affairs of the heart, emotions, and experiences. Pentacles – to money, resources, the most human interests. Wands are the “official” suit of ambition, career, public workload, projects, and designs. Swords describe the struggle, the vigorous actions, the efforts to solve problems, the work of our mind. Four suits are four ways of self-realization of a person in the world, four primary rhythms. There is nothing difficult.      

Senior Arcana appropriately means “big secrets,” their presence in the scenario is very significant. If Junior Arcana is associated with earthly elements (Bowls – Water, Pentacles – Earth, Wands – Fire, Swords – Air, although interpretations may differ, sometimes Wands are associated with Air and Swords with Fire), then Senior Arcana is the element of Spirit , the story of the journey of the soul and the steps of spiritual development. This is the mystical, sacred layer of being.

Senior Arcana describe the essential part of life – getting spiritual experience. Of course, the Elder Arcana has a purely memorable character too, but still, looking at them, we must remember that these are “big secrets,” and the Chariot means not just a trip. The nature of the Elder Arcana during the divination determines the spirit of the situation, its significance as a whole, the experience it brings; often he shows a spiritual state regarding the question of what kind of person this situation turns you into.

If the majority of the cards are Senior Arcana, then this is a description of a critical topic, a key one for development, it will have to pay much attention. Even if the question seems very simple, the situation still has a deep meaning, and its consequences may be much more severe and exciting than it appears at first glance. If only the Junior Arcana are present, then the problem has a straightforward solution, the events will most likely happen quickly and clearly at the level of everyday situations. In general, it is precisely the linking of the dark inner path of the soul with the elaboration of external life situations that makes Tarot a “spiritual oracle,” a very delicate and powerful tool. The more persistently you strive for spiritual truths, the more important is the lesson of the outside world, whose problems you have to cope with. The spiritual is not only on the mountain spurs,     


  • Intuition. Among other things, Tarot cards are useful because they train this quality very well and can serve as a tool for further training for people whose profession requires this quality, for example, for psychotherapists and business consultants. Working with the tarot, a person learns to add the big picture out of any separate concrete facts. The idea that in life all phenomena and events are permeated by interconnections, mutual influences, and not always rational and visible, is manifested in any scenario. The more complex the alignment, the more it requires the skill to see these connections. 
  • Emotional honesty. It is this requirement that sometimes becomes a stumbling block when making layouts – feeling profoundly personal involvement in the situation and excessive interest in a particular outcome, the querent decides to turn to another person to make him equal. The point is not that the other is smarter but at the risk of “refusal” of his internal honesty due to emotional “overheating.”
  • Trust Tarot. Notice, not in the first place, because practice shows that the initial trust may not be. Sometimes the relationship with the tarot begins with skepticism. But the cards are wise and forgive people their weakness, giving information, under the influence of which trust is formed naturally (unless the person has set himself the goal of a conscious denial of the obvious).    
  • Worldview, in which a person views his life as a project and WAYas a fascinating journey through the beautiful world of being, designed to make it wiser, kind, durable and perfect. Every life is a legend. Every person in his spirit is a wandering knight who seeks the coveted Grail. And Higher Forces are helping us on the way. Arcana Tarot – one of the tools through which a person can get this help. Of course, he can do without it, or use other ways to get it, reading some other signs. And in general, you can draw this help from a variety of sources. This is a free choice for everyone. Higher forces do not fit into any dogma. God is incompatible in His fullness by no system of limited human notions, and His Providence for man is manifested in countless ways. It is enough to study the features of world religions to understand that this is so. Every nation drinks from those sources that are open to it, the question of their truth or falsity is by and large absurd. Following the wisdom of the Hasidim, even that the straw falls along, and not across the road, God’s will is carried out.
  • Similar statements regarding the hair from a human head that does not collapse without the knowledge of God can be found in the Bible. The same applies to the Arcana, falling to a person in the scenario. It’s a sign. In this case, the sign that the person asked himself. If he wondered calmly enough, ready to honestly accept him, whatever he was, he did not break any commandments. In the Christian church tradition, an appeal to mantic practices is for some reason considered to be evidence of insufficient hope in the Lord and disbelief in the Providence of God, but in reality, this consideration is not based on anything (except on complete ignorance regarding Mantica). The motive of the person who makes the tarot is essential. If he does this feverishly, relying on an exact result, and tries to get the information he wants for himself through repeated layouts, this exactly corresponds to the meaning of the sin as mentioned above. And maps, by the way, will make it clear! In general, magnetic is an area where contact with Providence is manifested most unequivocally. A man is given a badge at his request. He, in turn, makes efforts to adequately and gratefully perceive it. This, by the way, is the ethics of dealing with cards – and the topic of the next lesson. And trying to get the information he wanted for himself through repeated layouts, this exactly corresponds to the meaning of the sin as mentioned above. And maps, by the way, will make it clear! In general, magnetic is an area where contact with Providence is manifested most unequivocally. A man is given a badge at his request. He, in turn, makes efforts to adequately and gratefully perceive it. This, by the way, is the ethics of dealing with cards – and the topic of the next lesson. And trying to get the information he wanted for himself through repeated layouts, this exactly corresponds to the meaning of the sin as mentioned above. And maps, by the way, will make it clear! In general, magnetic is an area where contact with Providence is manifested most unequivocally. A man is given a badge at his request. He, in turn, makes efforts to adequately and gratefully perceive it. This, by the way, is the ethics of dealing with cards – and the topic of the next lesson.            
  • Concentration. Quality in the form in which it is required to work with the Tarot is challenging to determine. This is not the concentration that is needed in the gym or on a math textbook. Externally, the state may not be particularly concentrated and almost frivolous. But at the same time, without this concentration, divination becomes impossible. Only those who lose it can understand this. It is like mindfulness when talking to a person – if you don’t “collect” the psyche, then you won’t understand what he is talking about at all, and then you can’t remember what it was about. When communicating with the cards, the same thing happens.


  • Sit on impatience. The process of divination does not tolerate any forcing of events. The vanity here is equivalent to failure. And this fuss often arises when the alignment concerns some “question and life and death.” Few of us have high spiritual endurance and the necessary composure. It is for this reason that even those who know the layouts and meanings of cards often turn to stressful situations in difficult situations for themselves (if only about the case itself) to a person. So, no hasty shuffling, no feverish throwing of cards. No questioning five times. It is better (really better) to draw out one card and think over it carefully than convulsively scatter ten, then fifteen for verification, and hang over them in complete mental chaos and emotional exhaustion (and without answering the question).  
  • By all means, wean off the stereotypical perception of the Arcana. This advice is more relevant to those who have already gained experience in regular communication with cards. Beginners are just trying to build some initial stereotypes, and it makes sense. But then the opposite process should go! As soon as you feel that you need one second to interpret the Tower … as soon as the King of the Bowls does not leave you room for fantasy, everything is clear with him …. as soon as you find yourself interpreting the Empress for you, it is easier to take a turnip. ..DAY TO TREAT THE PERCEPTION. Take an in-depth study of the energy of Arkan. Do exercises from sensible books. Write for yourself a whole treatise on the manifestations of each Arkan – at least you will not forget that there are many subtleties. At the worst, buy a new deck with some non-traditional images, to shake the perception. And, of course, be observant – sometimes the cards are entirely shaken by themselves, showing such manifestations and turns of events, which are not found in any books and which you will not think of on your own. And the site is to share such revelations!