News of the arrest of a wealthy and influential Ukrainian businessman in the Russian capital has become one of the most discussed topics in recent times. Pavel klimets taken into custody for trying to bribe officials in Russia. Meanwhile, in a neighboring country, he came for the sake of their own business in the occupied lands of Donbass.

As previously reported, “Dialogue”, Donetsk millionaire, a former MP from the Party of Regions and the owner of an alcohol company “Olimp” Pavel klymets ‘ arrested in Russia. Today, this information is officially confirmed by the press service of the company. The situation with the arrest oligarch in facebook said the journalist Denis Kazan, in his opinion, the story of Pavel Klimets not an accident, and regularity. It shows the true attitude of Russians to the “brotherly people of Donbass”. Reports about it “Диалог.UA”.

“In 2014, Donetsk assets Klimets pressed Dnrovtsy. After this “influential people from Moscow” began to offer at a very low price of these assets to sell. Klimets went to Moscow to “fix it”, and eventually it popped on the bribe and sent to jail.

Klimets was not a fascist, not sponsored the Maidan and were not even wearing a shirt. This is a common businessman Donetsk regions, with all the consequences. But this did not save him from a sad fate. First they took the businesses, then freedom. For what? Simply because the “brotherly people” liked someone else’s plant. There is no other reason,” writes Denis Kazan.

The journalist recalled that the victim associates of the oligarch “Party of regions” years campaigning for the “Russian world” on Donbass. But as soon as the “customs Union” came to Donetsk and Lugansk, many of them on this end.

“What case Klimets have to teach Ukrainian business? And the fact that in any case impossible to contact Moscow to work in Moscow’s interests, in any form to support Russian expansion,” – said Ukrainian journalist.

We will remind, Denis Kazansky explained why Moscow “forced” Zelensky to take a tough anti-Russian stance.