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If Russian companies-suppliers of fuel in a timely manner will receive the permission of the Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation on the export of its products to Ukraine, the situation on the oil market of Ukraine will remain unchanged.

Commented on Oil and gas Association of Ukraine (NAU) changes to decree of the Russian Federation of 18 April No. 460-25, according to which from June 1, 2019 the import of diesel fuel, gasoline and liquefied natural gas to Ukraine will be carried out on the basis of permits of the Ministry of economic development.

NAU noted that the document does not follow that the volume of fuel will be in any way limited. To date, criteria and rules which will give such permission until published.

See ALSO: Ukraine plans to minimize the effects of the ban of oil exports from Russia

According to the Association, the degree of diversification of the Ukrainian market exceeds the level of many European countries. 2017 fuel to Ukraine comes from more than 10 countries using various logistic schemes by sea, rail, road and pipeline, which allows in short time to arrange any deliveries.

“Therefore, in the case of delay the issuance of permits suppliers fuel market of Ukraine quickly preoriented on supplies from other countries: Belarus, Poland, Romania, Hungary and others. In this case, there may be minor variations in the cost of fuel in connection with the change of the logistic supply routes,” — said in Nov.

We will remind, the Russian Federation has imposed a ban on exports to Ukraine of oil and oil products. From June 1, oil and oil products can be imported from Russia to Ukraine only by special permission.