The residents of Kemerovo are complaining in the local media on the unknown guest of the local pool, feces stain towels.

— I hung a towel on a hook, he went to the shower. Came back, and towel heavily smeared with feces. Heard that still seems like a few people have become victims of this bully. The basin administration is trying to find the culprit, but, as far as I know, until he found, says one of the victims.

It is known that the pool has surveillance cameras which may help the administration of the pool in search of the offender. However, the basin administration says that “knows nothing about such incidents”.

Media remember fecal maniac, which in 2015 had a whole bucketful of faeces from the public toilet and dumped them in the open window of the car traffic police to take revenge on the employee who took away his rights.