After the occupation by Russia of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova Lavrov suddenly turned fool: “We do not interfere in the internal Affairs of other countries”
Uncategorized February 16, 2017Odious Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, known
his rudeness and tendency to carry a lie, absolutely not blushing, at the meeting with
us Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that Russia does not interfere
in the internal Affairs of other countries, according to “Диалог.UA”.
“You should know that Russia is not
interfere in the domestic Affairs of other countries”, – said the Russian
how Russia supported separatists in Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia, annexed
Crimea, destroyed Aleppo and other Syrian cities in support of the dictator Assad,
and finally run into the hacking scandal in American elections.
“Right now
I can say that I have little doubt about the fact that Russia interfered
or tried to interfere in the electoral process number of countries,” not
blushing, Lavrov said.
In addition
this Lavrov expressed the desire to develop at the meeting “options for the future
work” with Tillerson.
he assured that the Russian Federation and the United States there are many issues that need
in the discussion.
In his
turn, the U.S. Secretary of defense James Mattis at the Ministerial meeting of NATO countries in
Brussels said that he had almost no doubt that Russia
interfered in the electoral process number of countries.
the head of the Russian foreign Ministry is highly
absurdly justifiedwhen asked why he’s not Dating
Ukrainian counterpart Pavel Klimkin.
As previously
it was reported that U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson after meeting with Sergey Lavrov made
pretty hard
statement on the obligations of Russia to respect the Minsk agreements.