In the Presnensky district court of Moscow has passed session on the case of football players Pavel Mamayev and Alexander Kokorin. During the hearings was questioned by one of victims — driver Vitaly Solovchuk. When he testified, the meeting was suspended because of false reports about mining of the building. And the waiter Coffeemania, who witnessed the fight in a cafe, told about the fate of the chair, which the attacker “Zenit” struck the officer Denis Pack.

  • © Grigory Sysoev / RIA Novosti

“Kokorin shouted: “don’t call the police”

At the third meeting of the Presnensky district court in the case of soccer players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev were interviewed one of the key figures — the victim Vitaly Solovchuk, the driver leading the First channel of Olga Ushakova. The company beat on the exit of the bar “Egoist”. As a result the man has received closed cherepno-a brain trauma, a fracture of the nasal bones and soft tissue injuries of the face. In the courtroom, he presented his version of what was happening in the early morning of October 8 event, when he brought Ushakov on television, and he was waiting for her near the hotel “Beijing”.

“About seven o’clock in the morning opened the rear right door, and sat in the car of an unknown girl. From it the alcohol smell proceeded. She was confused, slurred speech. Asked the taxi driver if I can. Said no. She said she was cold, I asked her to leave the car. She repeated that she was cold and she left. Spoke to her politely and culturally. Then the young man opened the door, took her by the hand and said it was not their car. They’re gone,” said Solovchuk.

According to the driver, then he heard the sound of glass breaking and got out of the car to find out if hurt the car. Towards his left Kokorin and Mamaev, and after a short conversation started beating him, told Solovchuk.

“Followed by a few punches in the face. Strikes with fists, but it all happened very quickly and I started to run to the car, ran out onto the sidewalk. I turned around and saw that I ran Mamaev and Kirill (Kokorin, brother of Alexander. — RT). Far I left because the machine was opened. And the sense to run? When they were chasing me, mom tripped and fell. Cyril tried to hit me, I pushed his arm. Mamaev ran, jumped and shot whether hands, or feet, knocked me down,” recalled the driver.

The victim said that he was beaten about ten minutes, including hitting legs, parallel to his exhortation. The driver, according to him, tried to fight back, and only closed by hands.

“I had a concussion, a broken nose, bruises all over his face. The nose broke after hitting Mamayev. When I came up, I was standing, leaning forward, wiped his face. At this point, saw Mamaev runs, swings and gets me a foot in the face. After that I was bleeding, I heard a crunch. Realized that I have a broken nose,” — said Solovchuk.

The driver denied the version of other witnesses, according to which the conflict began with the fact that he called young people “cocks”. The lawyer asked the victim if he considers this a offensive word, and he replied in the affirmative. The victim also explained why he decided to apologize to the attackers.

“I don’t remember who exactly, but tried still to strike. I apologized to retire from there, because it depended on my health and life. As Kokorin taught me? I don’t remember the words, remember, were sermons. Not thought about it. Like any other person in this state, was not aware of,” said Solovchuk.

The driver recalled that when he drove away from the scene, Kokorin senior shouted, “don’t call the police”.

Statement on the mining

Further, the hearings were interrupted by an unexpected statement about the possible mining of the court. All present immediately evacuated, including the accused, although Mamaev whether in jest, whether seriously asked to leave them in place. They were removed from the hall 40 minutes after start of evacuation. As a result the room had to test service dogs.

“In connection with the received message inherent in the building of the explosive device carried out the evacuation of visitors and employees of the court. After conducting law enforcement agencies of all required verification activities, the court will resume its work, including consideration of the criminal case against Komarinyh, Mamayev and Pratasavickaja”, — said the press service of the court.

In the end, explosives in the building were found and the meeting resumed a few hours later, after an unexpected pause.

“Meet you for the third time and you still can’t tell where I beat you”

Then the lawyers continued to ask questions to Solovchuk. In particular, protecting the interests of Kokorin, Jr. Vyacheslav Barik asked whether worked in the vehicle at the time of the conflict at a strip bar video.


“Insanely sorry for guys”, had said after the second session on the case of Kokorin and Mamaev

Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev should be punished, but not to spoil them life, said the actor, known for football…

“I don’t understand these issues. You tend to the fact that some fragments could be removed? In case there is an expert opinion, which says that no files from a flash drive is not removed”, — assured the victim.

The driver admitted that he is not interested in football, and therefore not learned Kokorin with Mamaev, but I heard about the scandal in Monaco where the athletes fall in 2016.

In addition, Solovchuk said that he spent about 400 thousand rubles for the treatment after the beating. Accept monetary compensation from the accused man did not.

“Not yet completed treatment, and it is unclear what health. The nose was fractured. Need to do the operation. The refusal of a forensic medical examination? I refused, because it was three weeks after the attack and, in addition to nose and knee, no signs left,” explained the victim.

A couple of questions Solovchuk asked and accused. So, Kokorin, Sr. doubt the correctness of the testimony of the driver, because he found it difficult to tell exactly where it hit the player.

“I’m with you the third time you meet, and you still can’t accurately tell where I beat you. Can you at least answer now? Apparently, the shoulder and the ear, I was hooked with one blow”, — said Kokorin.

Ended the interrogation of the victim that the accused again brought him to apologize.

“Willing to compensate, ready for action. I want to appeal to Vitaly, on the basis of the video, he remembered all the details of the incident and give a truthful testimony, because Alexander Kokorin in the course of the conflict was just trying to repay it and has to do with him almost irrelevant,” said Mamaev.

“After the conflict took the chair in the back room”

Followed in the courtroom was made by another witness — waiter “Coffeemania” Rinat.. According to him, in a moment of conflict young people with officials Denis Pak and Sergey Gaisin it almost all the time was near Cyril Kokorin and tried to calm him down.


“Proof of guilt for nothing”: what he was talking about lawyers after the second session on the case of Kokorin and Mamaev

A survey of the two new witnesses in the case of Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev “turned evidence against the players nothing,” said…

“I stood between Cyril and pack. At some point I just started to panic because I realized that I have alone to defend the man. But to me there is no negative side of not. I stilled Kokorin, Jr. He finger-punched Puck in the face, but it certainly can no longer say,” said the young man.

Told the waiter about the fate of the chair, which Kokorin, Sr. struck the officer.

“I started cleaning. At this point, the tables sat people, and already there were rumors that the parties to the conflict, it became Kokorin and Mamaev. What happened to that chair, I don’t know. At the time of the conflict he was with me, but during the harvest took him in the back. So we should be,” said the witness.

The waiter confirmed the fact that after the conflict, the parties reconciled and shook hands. Also the young man told me that one of the girls sitting “in the groin” Kokorin Sr., and called the amount that the company spent in Coffeemania — 18 thousand rubles.