Sunflower meal. Photo:

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From September 2018 to January 2019 Belarus almost 1.5 times (27%) reduced imports of sunflower meal from Ukraine to 169 thousand tons, reports “APK-inform”.

According to the publication, the reduction of supply due to changes in the priorities of the Ukrainian exporters in the geography of shipments of these products.

The share of Ukrainian products on the domestic market of Belarus for 5 months of the marketing year dropped to 77% against 83% last season.

See ALSO: 17 Ukrainian producers of meal made for the Chinese market

This deficit in Belarus was compensated by the import of sunflower oil from the Russian Federation, whose share in total imports increased from 15 percent in September 2018 to 29% in January. For 5 months the share of meal from Russia was 23% versus 17% for the same period of the previous marketing year.

As previously reported, in January this year, China imported 330,2 thousand tons of sunflower meal. Of these, 329,9 thousand tons exported to Ukraine.

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