The authors of a controversial Billboard “Poroshenko against Putin” from the headquarters of the President framed Petro Poroshenko and made a big mistake, because of which Ukraine “may have to live with the President-idiot running one of the oligarchs.”

Writes about this on his page in the social network
blogger Yuri Bogdanov. Billboards appeared on the streets of Kharkov and Kiev
and caused controversial reaction in the social networks.

While Bogdanov argues that invented advertising
the progress of technology has set up the President and made a huge mistake:

“Sponsors Board “Poroshenko vs Putin”. Have
me to you a number of questions. Why are you so Peter being set up? You don’t understand
that is already once didn’t work?

Hang them in Kharkiv is another great idea. You are
understand that the slogans Armavir in the East did not come? Decided to repeat?

And you repeat the mistake, which caused us,
probably to live with the President – idiot running one of the oligarchs.
I have to ask you. Stop this
“help””, he writes.

Recall, Poroshenko has made an important statement about Zelensky and his meeting with Putin.