Also Kurt Volker said that the situation with the elections in Ukraine, like Brexit, the elections in France and the United States.
Kurt Volker pointed out the unity of NATO policy in deterring aggression of Russia / photo by UNIAN

The US special envoy on Ukraine Kurt Volker said that regardless of who will be the winner of presidential elections of the Russian Federation will continue testing its tools of hybrid war.

About this, Walker said in an interview with PBS News, reports Ukrainian Pravda.

“Given the behavior so far, I can assume that it will continue to test anyone who becomes President of Ukraine”, – said Walker.

He also noted that the situation with the elections in Ukraine, like Brexit, the elections in France and the United States.

“The current situation with the elections in Ukraine this election in France, or in the event of a Brexit, or even elections in the US. Whoever becomes President of Ukraine, he will be under pressure from Russia. They carried out the invasion. They seized the territory. They support the continuation of hostilities. Uses different types of propaganda, RT, Sputnik, cyber attacks. All the tools presented in Ukraine”, – he stressed.

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Describing the two candidates for President of Ukraine, Walker noted that “a candidate who declares himself that he is anti-establishment, competing against an incumbent who, like, says, “I worked hard, I have a lot of achievements, more needs to be done”.

“Now the Ukrainian public has a right to choose. They want someone who stands against the establishment and promises large-scale reform? Or they want someone who might disappoint in some aspects, however, have done more for reform than anyone else in Ukraine over the past 20 years and is opposed to Putin?”, – added the special representative of the United States.

Answering the question about the position of NATO towards Ukraine, Walker said the unity policy of the Alliance to deter Russian aggression.

“This week, the foreign Ministers of countries-members of NATO endorsed the overall NATO approach to security in the Black sea, which is partly the manifestation of security support for freedom of navigation in the Black sea and support of Ukraine”, – said the politician.

As UNIAN reported earlier earlier Kurt Volker said the United States will cooperate with any President of Ukraine, regardless of who wins the presidential election.