From 21 March to 6 April at the gallery “mistetstvo Slobozhanshchina” will be held exhibition of paintings by Zhu Sansone called “Color touch”.
4 APR at 17:00 will be held a creative meeting with the author of the exhibition exhibition presents landscapes and still lifes painted by the artist Joo Sansone in different parts of Ukraine.

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The style of the author differs significantly from the traditional Chinese painting, the organizers of the exhibition. Since the artist studied at the Kharkiv state Academy of design and arts, his work is close to the Kharkov school of painting, which carries the traits of impressionism. But a lot of attention to the world around them and passing in the works of the state of “here and now”, typical for Chinese painting and impressionism, and is in the artist’s work a kind of bridge between East and West.

Each of the works of Zhu character. It is filled with a sincere perception of the world and desire to live in harmony with him. The artist’s works in nature that surrounds us, presented in all its beauty, variability and diversity. And artistic techniques and display their own experiences allow even deeper to emphasize these qualities.

The Grand opening of the painting exhibition, Zhu Sansone “Color touch” will take place on 21 March at 17:00. April 4 at 17:00 will be held a creative meeting with the author of the art exhibition “touch of Color” Joo Sansone and teacher of the author, the Chairman of the Kharkiv organization of National Union of artists of Ukraine V. Kovtun.

Help. Zhu Sansoni was born in July 1993 in Shenyang in China’s Liaoning province. Painting Zhu introduced the grandfather, and under his influence the little artist came on the budgetary position in public school Xu Beihong in Shenyang. Later he moved to Ukraine to Kharkiv, where he enrolled in the Department of easel painting at Kharkiv state Academy of design and arts, graduating in 2018.