Attackers extorted from the foreigner $2 thousand for the secrecy, discrediting his honor and dignity.
All participants of incident – local residents aged 19 to 44 years Photo UNIAN

In Odessa detained four of the attackers, the release from the second floor houses a Finnish citizen, who in the fall had injured leg.

See also the center of Odessa from the window threw a Finnish citizen

As reported the UNIAN in Department of communications Department of National police in the Odessa region last night by the police, the number of persons involved in the crime that took place in the Primorsky district of the city.

All malefactors were detained and taken to Portofrankovsky police Department to conduct the necessary investigation (procedural) actions.

According to 36-year-old victim, the attackers demanded $2 thousand for non-disclosure of personal information about honor and dignity. Between him and extortionists was a fight, during which he was thrown off the balcony.

As noted, at the request of a foreigner openly criminal proceedings under part 2 of article 189 of the Criminal code (“extortion”).

All participants of incident – local residents aged 19 to 44 years – detained in order St. 208 criminal procedure code of Ukraine. They are checked on participation in similar crimes.

The investigation is ongoing.

As reported the UNIAN, the representative of law enforcement bodies, malefactors, among whom three are kinship (brothers), demanded the man above amount for not disclosing information that the victim allegedly is a supporter of non-traditional sexual orientation. They claimed that they allegedly have the appropriate video and blackmailed the alien that publishes “compromising”.

As UNIAN reported earlier, on March 17 in Odessa was admitted a citizen of Finland, who was thrown from the balcony of the second floor of a residential building. When you drop the man received a fracture of both heels.

It is established that injuries received by the foreigner, being a guest in the apartment of a local resident in the center of Odessa – on the street Elisabeth.

Suspect with friends, applying to the foreigner physical strength, threw him from the balcony of the apartment located on the second floor.

Pre-specified event law enforcement officers qualified under article 122 of the Criminal code (“deliberate infliction of bodily injury of moderate severity)”.